Friday, January 31, 2020

'Rain of Steels' : The MLRS.

How to employ MLRS, in war at best ? Some army may consider it as strategic weapon, but MLRS also can plays many leathal roles in convensional setting as ' God of Battle' . Salient for the gunners to soundly advise this 'rain of steel' to manuever cmdr , especically in the diff phase of war and scheme of manuever (essential part in MAP). Here is how:

1. Close operations.

a. MLRS has advantage over its rocket range which can be acted as force protections.
b. At its best in perform counter fire, raid, SEAD and engage tgt beyond FLOT.
c. The suitable list of tgt in close fighting are personnel , light material, CP's and en Self Propelled arty.
d. Requires detail planning due to its large dispersion of sub ammunitions. Be very careful to assign tgt that are closer +/- 2000 to friendly troops.

2. Deep Operations

a. Suitable to allocate In Support like any other medium arty which providing extended fire in sp diff fmn.
b. Suited for long range High Payoff Tgts (HPT)with short dwelling timing.
c. Fire must be planned or schdeduled and not viable for immediate or oppurtunity tgts.
d. Must consider the rocket stockage level and tgt acquasition system available in the planning process.

3. Rear Operations

a. Rear op is less favor to employ MLRS bcoz of its area weapon. Providing point/area defence if it could fire anti aircraft missiles. (Debatable)

4. MRLS in offensive Op.

a. Movt to Contact- Support during movt and follow on once contact is made.Suited in supporting covering force and Flank Gd and must integrate MLRS with the column of march.
b. Attack - MLRS can deliver deep fires against en reserve, reinforcing fmn , counter fire, SEAD. Additionally with detail planning MLRS also best at sp raids and spoilling attack.
c. Exploitation and Persuit- involve rapid movt of MLRS and must adhere to positive clearence of fire procedures. Its executed by positioned MLRs units close to FLOT and ensure its well forward with manuver unit. Thorough planning of ammo resupply is imminient.

5. Defensive Operations

a. MLRS is effective when being allocated OP CON of covering Force and centralised comd under corps or divisional comdr to ensure its responsiviness.
b. In Def op, MLRS tgts can be included are counterfire , SEAD , Assy A, uncommitted forces and HPT's
c. MLRs could be positioned at different stagard distance from the FLOT iot overcome min range limits
d. MLRs should not be postioned on major avenue of approach to prevent en breakthrough and jeoperdize the sp unit.

Last and not least, consider the the types rockets available. It will determine the area saturation devastation we required. Unlike US MLRS M270 or M39, they have capability to fire guided (GMLRS) and extended range. ammunition.

As we can do wonder with our MLRS , remember en will do the same. Hopefully in future our system is uprgarded to more ultrafast signal processing and advanced mission software, the game will be more exciting.

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