Sunday, August 2, 2015


Bile sakit kita mohon utk sihat. Mengapa nk sihat? Sihat tu adalah peluang ruang dan waktu. Ibarat diberi tanah yg subur, bisa bercucuk tanam utk raih hasil di hari kemudian. Jadi kenapa nk sihat? Utk dpt capai tujuan hidup di dunia agar bahagia akhirat kelak.

Columbiasia 2ogos15

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Dialog Mubarak

A             :  Jadi  org Islam akan masuk syurga, bukan Islam masuk neraka ?
Mubarak :  Manusia masuk syurga sebab Rahmat Tuhan. Bukan sebab Islam atau bukan Islam.
                   Islam akan juga masuk neraka kalau jauh dari RahmatNya. Bukan Islam akan tetap
                   masuk syurga bila terima RahmatNya

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

forgive me

allow me some time 
to reach You
For im  too far away - forgive me.
What i asked for
just to give me a chance
to make up for all my mistakes - forgive me.
Every time I turned away
Only pain left inside
And begging back to You. 
Give me guiding light of hope 
For only You that near. 
Weak and weary
Falling for Your sympathy - forgive me.


Monday, May 11, 2015

sixteen stages of taming Qalb

  1. Zuhd or abstention from evil
  2. Taqwa or God consciousness
  3. War'a or attempt to get away from things that are not related to Allah.
  4. Tawakkul or being content on whatever Allah gives
  5. Sabır or patience on whatever Allah fe Subhan ta'âlâ does
  6. Shukr or gratefulness to whatever Allah gives
  7. Raza or seeking happiness of Allah
  8. Khauf or fear of Allah's wrath
  9. Rija or hope of Allah's blessing
  10. Yaqeen or complete faith on Allah
  11. Ikhlas or purity of intention
  12. Sidq or bearing truth of Allah
  13. Muraqabah or total focus on Allah
  14. Khulq or humbleness for Allah
  15. Dhikr or remembrance of Allah
  16. Khuloot or isolation from everyone except Allah


Dunya is to reach out for grapes that you can never grasp, because this is the nature of dunya, you will never be able to get it, it will always evade you. Dunya is illusory nature of the word, its the aspect that deludes you, thinking that you are permanent, thinking that you can transgress, thinking that you are independent from Allah - Sheikh hamza yusuf

 “What is dunya? It is to be unmindful of Allah.”- Rumi

 This has been made beautiful to people: the love of the desires such as women, sons, piled up heaps of gold and silver, branded horses, cattle and land.   That is the provision of this life but with Allah is the best place of return.  - Aal-'Imraan:14

“This life in comparison to the life hereafter is nothing except like that which one of you finds if he sticks his finger into the ocean and then sees what it brings back with it."  -Muslim
"Surely, this dunya is sweet and fresh.  And Allah makes you the heirs of it and then watches what you do.  So beware of this dunya and beware regarding women."  Muslim

O people!  The promise of Allah is surely true so do not let the life of this world deceive you nor be deceived by the Deceiver. -Faatir:5
"Verily this dunya is cursed and all that is in it is cursed except for the remembrance of Allah and all that goes with it and a scholar or a student."  At-Tirmidhi


searching for solace

Thursday, May 7, 2015

qalb ie heart

Qalb (heart)means incline of changing, once sad  and alternately feeling happy,  lazy  and suddenly  diligent  . Why is there such. The answer is Qalb nature is constantly changing (ie potentially inconsistent). God created the heart has the ability to have the properties of mahmudah(noble attributes) and also mazmumah (despicable traits).

Sunday, March 1, 2015

vicegerent, servant and trial

1. What is connection between vicegerent, servant and trial ?
2. When God declare to create human as vicegerent on earth, we need to  aware that we are creature created by a creator. In another meaning as created being we also existed as servant to a Benefactor. 
3. It is reasonable to say that as servant we need to obey our Master or Creator to what had ordained to us ?
4.  This also means as vicegerent and servant there are set of rules that we need to comply and implement which already decided by our Benefactor.
5. It is agreeable that as servant we were rewarded and paid for all our duties ? As obedient servant we will be rewarded accordingly to want we have done and performed.
6. In performing our duties we may face some shortcoming and obstacles. As a created being, human always  in the state of uncertainly weak. We constantly need guidance from our Benefactor because we are the beneficiaries. Just like an employee need decision and instruction from employer in a company. So as a Creator He can provide us anything he wanted.
7.  Its fair before He rewarded something he would like to test and put some trial to whether we deserved it or not?
8. In another word life  itself is a trial to His created being or vicegerent before reach his ultimate reward that are heaven or vice versa.
9. Is all this make sense ? Where are here on earth to be 3 in 1 : vicegerent, servant and trial.

kuantan2 mac15

Saturday, February 21, 2015

jigsaw of life

Life is like fitting jigsaw puzzle. Life seems tough and complicated because we never at first envisage the entire picture before we try to fit the tiny pieces of the jigsaw. More grave if we got wrong picture at very first and the tiny pieces seems unfit and awkward. And we plunged into undesirable depth of life.

How eminent to know the truth of this life - the real picture of truth to complete the jigsaw puzzle of life.


Friday, February 20, 2015

letter to human

dear human,

we are here for some reason and responsibility. get the job done rightfully
as being told. do the right thing before do things right. surely it will be little bit
tough because we were monitored and tested. seek HIS guidance all the times.

we wont be long here. soon we will back  to be judged. rewards will be given
even and accordingly.

yours truly

subhana wataala

saat semangat terasa hambar
tika kekuatan seakan pudar
pada detik fikiran tak bisa mekar
pada waktu harapan mula terdampar

arah mana harusku putarkan layar
pada siapa harusku tadahkan doa
kalau tidak pada Mu

17mac.era squara.restoren azhar maju.seremnan.ns



di simpangan betul dan salah
di timbangan baik dan buruk

cahaya berbalam , gelap menerang
rindu petunjuk , nafsu memujuk

sering aku diberi pilihan mudah tapi sukar

di saat aku keliru menjadi manusia Mu
aku dahaga seteguk air di malam kenyangku.

      melaka, mei 2009

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

tiny line

again and again i tried
to reach near 
the utmost end of  effort
that lay obstacle before me

it keeps deceiving
make steps fail and uneven
tiny line which unable to penetrate.

away from You just  by the pray
by giving up or to storm forward..

God help me
God Straighten my heart
God show me the  light.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

hearts heal

I just wonder . People usually act upon knowledges he  acquired. Human are aware about the good and evil but  still the  hearts are keen and lean towards wrongdoings. Human Hearts always in deviations.

Human   internally complicated all full of ambiguity. There always disparity and unparallel  between mind, hearts and its actions. God reminded that we must often pray to HIM on our HEARTS.

' O Lord Let not our hearts deviate from the truth after You have guided us. And grant us mercy from You. Truly  You are  the Bestower.' (Ali Imran :8)

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

going back to the start

nobody say it was easy , nobody say going to be this hard....... im going back to the start.
