Saturday, September 4, 2010

Letter to My Officer

Dear Capt Cheong,

I received your report letter upon ongoing Platoon Commander course. I sincerely congratulate for your sustained and maintained result so far.

I sternly believed the course has put utmost test on your physical and mental endurance. As Commander On The Ground, you MUST be able to lead your soldiers through the heat of the jungle and through adversity of situations. And at the same time, maintain yourself without losing the command to make sound operational and tactical decision.

I want you to feel and face the challenges of this course. Grab as much knowledge as possible. I also want you to visualize the role of Artillery officer in supporting the infantry in all phases of war. You must not hesitate to give handsome advice to Infantry chap on the fire support aspect. In that case , I suggest you to start read , learn and understand the book/pamphlet ‘ Artillery in Battle Series’. Memorize and fathom every single page.

Lastly, I pray for your good health. Enjoy and be sure to end the course with glorious result. Regards to all Instructors.

Truly ,

Friday, September 3, 2010

Sajak Lewat Pagi Merdeka

Selamat sambut mendekar Malaysia ke 53.
syukur merdeka tahun ini jatuh pada ramadhan yang mulia.jadi doa untuk Malaysia berjaya bagus sebab bulan ini Tuhan kabuli doa.

Saya nak doa Malaysia tak dijajah lagi.
nak doa org org Malaysia tak gaduh-gaduh
nak doa org Malaysia tak benci-benci .
supaya tak ada surau kena simbah cat
takde org baling botol arak kat surau
takde gereja nak dibakar
dan takde juga kuil nak dibom.

najib kata kita kene ingat ini negara kita.
tempat kita lahir , besar, hidup gembira.
sekurang kurangnya mati pun gembira.
sebab mayat sempat ditanam
sebab negara aman.

selamat mendekar !!!