Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Doa dan Jaga Aib Org lain

Salam Maal Hijrah.
Kisah yg bole diambil ikhtibar zaman nabi musa. Negara dilanda kemarau yg pjg. Mereka ramai2  berdoa utk diturunkan hujan. Namun sekian lama tidak dimakbul tuhan dan musa bertanya kepada Allah mengapa. Dan diberitahu bahawa dlm kalangan msykt itu ade seorg yang buat maksiat dan dosa dan tak pernah bertaubat. Lalu nabi  musa bertanya kepada msykt sapakah antara mereka itu yg telah berbuat maksiat sekian lama. Lelaki tsebut enggan mengaku dan jadi takut jika aib dia terbongkar , lalu dia berdoa dan bertaubat kpd Allah. Kemudian hujan pun turun. Musa amat gembira dan bertanya kepada Allah mengapa akhirnya hujan turun dan diberitahu bahawa laki  tersebut telah bertaubat. Musa ingin tahu siapakah lelaki itu namun Allah memberitahu , 'telah aku tutup aibnya selama 40 tahun semasa dia bermaksiat,  adakah aku akan buka aibnya setelah dia bertaubat? ' Pengajaran: sentiasa memohon kpd Allah (berdoa) sentiasa menjaga aib orang lain

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Anatomy of Happiness

We can start asking ourself 3 questions. Are you having a good  day? Why you having a good or bad day? Do you rather having a good or bad day ?

To really understand our happiness we must delve the answers for question no 2.

Much of the time our mind is like ballons in the wind. Blown here and there by external circumstances. When things going well we feel happy and when something goes wrong we feel unhappy.

If we list our happiness on external  conditions , we will not having stable happiness. This is because we cannot control people and circumstances. We had put our happiness in the hand of others. It always will be in the wind of our circumstances.

If you really want to have good day, there two things you really got to do.

First stop outscourcing our happiness on the people and circumstances. Stop attributing our happiness towards what happening externally.  Stop blaming others for our unhappiness. Stop letting other people doing the job, which in turn, our happiness bcome unstable.

Secondly , we must actively cultivate the source of peace from inside of our mind. Happiness/unhappiness are state of mind. Therefore, if we hv peacefull mind, we will feel happy regardless  the circumstances.

Its not what happening makes us happy  but rather how we respond to what happen determine our happiness.

How we going to do this? How can we cultivate  stable peace of mind that we can rely upon regardless of the external circumstances?

This is where prayer and comtemplation come to place. This  meditation process is mental action of concentrating on the peaceful and positive state of mind. 

Once we built strong peaceful mental capacity in our mind, any where the wind blows it doest really matter. Our happinesss were hooked in deepened meaning and  purpose of peace.