Thursday, July 30, 2020

HRM change of new policy

When public organisation decide to implement their staff work hours from day time to night shift many considerations have to be pondered. I will highligt recent real situation in govt public clinic where my wife working. As we all aware and know, our govt clinics usually operating from 8 am to 5 pm . The new change in the system suggested two work shifts will be take place , first shift fm 7 am to 3 pm , and second shift will resume from 3 pm to 10 pm for out patients service deparment.

The new paradigm has called mixed feelings among the staffs. Before this, the clinic had been operated until 10 pm but practising overtime working hours basis which entitle for the staff to claim the hours. This had wooed many staffs interest to opt for night overtime in turn to get extra income. This eventually made no issues of shortage of staffs to cover the night working hours. With the new system, the two shift was consider as regular working hours and no hours claim can be made. I assumed that this new system being coined to cater limited financial allocation due to big covid 19 govt spendings. Another reason claimed by ministry was respond to increase of outpatient numbers. The initiative was pressing welcome but need to smartly balance between capacity and productivity.

Looking at another angle, issues also raise on who should be involved in the new shift implementation. The clinic consists of few different departments with their own staff and portfolios  serving the public. It happen that the new system is only will be implemented to out patience department, had sparked discontent among their circle of staffs. Other department was not effected with the new system enforcement which further worsen when the outpatience department currently facing the shortage of staffs to accomadate the new scheme. The out patience department demanded the two new shift policy  must also involve other department to ensure fair and balance work load among all staffs in the clinic. How the best to overcome this so called conflicts in ensuring effectiveness of the survice can be sustained.

Change of system or structure especially work hours consider critical to organisation. Change is inevitable and not just as action to mitigate current shortcomings but also have to impact positively to the organisation. Change must be meticluosly plan in term of the capacity to sustain the new system that being introduce and how the outcome will impact the productivity and effectiveness .

As one organisation , no department is consider more important to another department. Effectiveness will reached the highest potential when all department are interdependent. The higher administrations must see the landscape or bird view of the organisation capacity before engage any change of structure or policy. The most essentials are to determine the staff resources are edequate and equipments availability to perform new policy. Survey on the respond of the staffs involved also need to be conducted prior to the implemtation . Trial implemention has to take place for certain period to look how the progress and current acceptance of the staffs.

The organisation need to look at motivation factors that drive to perform their duty effectively. No doubt that before this the staffs are intrigued with financial rewards after their work toil. Some staffs are particular about work hours especially night time which they consider as personal time with family. Regular time hours sometimes allow for the staff to manage their time reasoablely for other commitments like fetch kids at schools and run for errands.

Change is vital to organisations, and part of the survivability to face current challenge. They director will face colors of respond and acceptance from the staffs, positive and negative which cant be neglected and timely reviewed. Director must constantly communicate with the staffs in convey the purpose, methode and endstate of the new change of the policy. By not putting the staffs and subordinate in the dark, it can increace the positive vibes to smoothen the implementations of new policy.

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