Friday, July 17, 2020

Farewell to the Fighter

I joined Suria Dialysis Centre somewhere amid month of Octocber 2019. After finally diagnosed as End Stage Renal Failure (ESRF), I am no longer under hospital monitoring. Govt hospital usually will subconded ESRF patients to dialysis center for life time treatment due to incapbility to accomadate large number of patients.

Suria dialysis center was consider most adjacent to my home. It took about 10 minutes drive and I find it was very convient to commute. After registered myself , I had been dialized almost for 8 month at the center.

Overall  the center has almost 18 renal failure patients, and most of them aged are between 50 to 70 , and I consider among the newest and youngest from the few. The treatment was subdivided into 2 shifts , morning and afternoon, and each each session consumes 4 hours time duration for 3 days a week. I was place under 1-3-5 shift which mean I come for treatment on Monday , Tuesday and Friday every week.  The sister incharge of the center is senoir retired matron from govt hospital named Pn Rubiah, along with other staff nurses , Nisa and Fika and one general duty men , which always refer him as Abg Yusuf.

During my shift, there are 6 patients undergone treatment simultaneously as the center has 7 dialysis machine and one was for emergency standby machine.  We are among morning shift that starts from 6.00 am to 1030 a.m. Having same time of treatment, we were rather close to each other compare with other patients from diffent shift. Normally in the morning , someone among us the patients will offer their free treat of breakfast. And older lady , Kak Kamriah, who always next machine to me during treatment, is Kelantaneese , often brings along Kelantan delicacies to share among us. Another member, slightly same aged, I call her Cikgu which also same shift with me. She has talkative personality and look very active, taught geography for primary school student. She still manage to work during dialysis treatment day, after finish in the morning , she prepare to rush to class in the afternoon. Abg Azli is short and big figure man was businesman in oil and gas company. Sometimes we all refer him as Dato’ , because of his smart formal attire while dialysing. Another calm member is Abg Rashid, a retired cook who used to work in Uitm Shah Alam. Very kind gentleman with passion of animal hunting. He own lisenced rifle and was known as sharp shooter, maybe one day  I had oppurtunity to join him in the jungle.

Sadly , one the day I received news that we lost one of our senior member, Pak Ghani. He has not seen  very well for the past months during treatment. He looked frail, and his vision was unwillingly and blurring. But I still remember, he used to share his expertise in cooking for wedding ceremony. He narrated his story with passion and counts every weight of ingredients needed for each recipe. Later , another month , we lost another member, an older lady , Makcik Khadijah. She often being admitted to hospital. She no longer  can walk and need to be wheeled chair by her daughter to the center. Few month before, she was sick and need to change the different kind of treatment because her existing vein no longer can withstand hemeodialiysis. She went for surgery to continue with CAPD, an alternatives for dialysis treament, where blood are cleanse using liquid that being process in  one stomach. But she ended dismay, her body cant cope with the new treamtment and passed away. 

It is grim and sad for all members. Everyday  we will fight for our life to ovecome  our disease. We laugh and smile together but from time to time  we will loose the member that we consider as our own family. Farewell to Pak Ghani and Mak Cik Khadijah . You are true fighter.

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