In surah khafi foretold about the story of moses met khidir in their mysterious journey. Moses came with his companion that the name did mentioned in the quran. From exegetes the man was prohet joshua or yusak.
Who was him? Not much story been told, the isrealites believe that theres not other prophethood after moses except joshua. The event tell about how the propehrthood switch from moses to jusuo is also doubful.
in the bible that god commanded moses and aron to arrange israelites into tribe in preparing the war to capture baitulmuqadis. The fight is to end their wandering after 40 years since the fled from phorah and saves by god from the parting sea. During moses conqured the great city , joshua was his vanguard . Record was blur whether moses was involve in the war bcoz death had drove him very near at that time.Aaron was said died two years before moses death.
The hadith from iman ahmad 2:235 mention ' the sun has never held for human being except for joshua.' During the battle when they almost won but the day reach asar and nite will turn to saturday. Sunday was a day that forbid the jews to involve in any battle. Joshua pray upon god to held back the sun, and is how the hadith came about.
Before they advance to battle,joshua segragate the army to those unfit to fight or had any other concern that lacking their focus like those not been with their or pregnant camel or got waiting to deliver.
When they won the war, god said in surah baqarah verse 58 to enter the town and eat freely, enter the gate prostrating, beg Him for forgiveness. But those who transgress subtituted and enter it creeping on their buttocks and grain in their hair. God sent down plague from the sky for their wickedness.
When isreal conqured baitul maqdis, the city held for the long time. Propeht joshue rule with justice in the light of Torah. He was 127 old. And he lived after moses for about 27 years.
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