In surah Al baqarah starting verse 246 , when the Jews felt weak to fight any other battle, they ask from God to give them a king to renew their strenght. When their prophet (samuel) told they were given Thalut as new ruler, they denied him because the Jews claim the progeny of King must come from Judah household , and prophethood from the progeny of Levy. The prophet then told that God choose whom He please.
Again when the Jews were a urged to fight war against Jalut they deny to fight. God put a test to them at a river and told those who drink will not be among His companion. Only little did steadfast, did not drank the water which not exceed 300 people.
Those surpass God test, worried and ask how we they can fight against Thalut when their numbers are less. The prophet remind then how often God has a small company overcome big company.
They advanced against Thalut and pray 'Oh Lord, pour out upoun us constancy and make our foothold firm and help us against disbelieve people,
In verse 251 said 'And David slews Goliath (Jalut) and God give him sovereignity and wisdom . And taught him of what he please. And were it not for God repelling some people by means of other, the earth have been filled with corruption, but God is Bounteous to the worlds.'
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