Friday, December 31, 2010

Catatan Selepas Tahun Baru

Tahun berubah ke 2011, Salam perubahan . Salam kepada menemukan jalan untuk kita juga berubah. Yang pastinya berubah kepada yang lebih baik. Yang pasti menemukan langkah pertama atau 'initial spark' yang lahir dalam diri. Insyallah.

Ibarat mencucuh kunci pada palam pencucuh kenderaan, lalu dengan spark yang pertama akan mengerakkan seluruh mekanisma kenderaan tersebut. Dengan terdetiknya untuk kita berubah,berfungsilah akal dan minda untuk mengerakkan seluruh anggota badan , tangan, kaki badan untuk melaksanakan perbuatan mengubah. Insyallah.

Motif, tujuan, matlamat, endstate menentukan makna dan segala-galanya.Ini harus betul dan jelas. Bukan tak pasti dan kabur dan keliru. Bagi saya mudah. Cuba tanya kembali mengapa kita yang bernama manusia ini dicipta. Jawapannya ada 3 :

1. Untuk patuh tunduk beribadah kepada Pencipta.
2 Menjadi pemimpin di planet bernama bumi.
3. Sebagai medan ujian menentukkan paling baik dan berjaya antara manusia.

Beribadah dan patuh beerti mengerjakan segala suruhan dan tinggalkan setiap larangan. Menjadi pemimpin ertinya memakmurkan bumi, mentadbirkan kehidupan dengan cara yang betul dan paling terbaik.Hidup sebagai medan ujian, adalah untuk kita berusaha sebaik mungkin untuk menjadi insan yang cemerlang jayanya dan menerima segala ketentuan yang telah ditetapkan.

Bunyinya mudah bukan.Tapi tidak semudah itu. Tapi ingat tentang hidup sebagai medan perjuangan ! Jadi berushalah.Kalau mudah bukan berusaha maknanya. Mungkin sudah pastinya payah. Ibarat untuk menerbangkan layang-layang, harus berlari-lari untuk membelah angin. Bila telah tinggi menari di udara, kita hanya santai menali mengawalnya di bawah. Insyallah. Selamat tahun 2011.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Catatan Sebelum Tahun Baru

Salam hujung tahun. Semoga tahun ini banyak yang dirancang mampu dicapai. Bukan itu saja, lebih hebat jika tahun ini lebih baik daripada yang tahun sebelum. Ini bermakna kita telah berjaya mengubah diri. Tahniah. Kerana berubah bukan mudah, perlu dibayar dengan pengorbanan, perlu disandar dengan nilai diri yang sebenar. Bekalannya adalah ilmu.

Syukur tahun 2010 tahun beerti pada diri. Hidup lebih bermakna bila dikurnia cahaya mata pertama. Ibarat katalis pengubah yang amat berkesan , saya mendalami maksud PATUH. Patuh kepada fitrah diri dan kehidupan seperti yang diajar oleh Pencipta sememang resepi bahagia yang enak.

Keduanya SYUKUR. Ini bila kita sedar tentang kurnia yang telah diberi .Atau kita mampu meneropong jauh ke dalam diri .Terlalu besar dan banyak tapi selalu dilupa. Yang kerap diingat dan dirungut pada yang tidak dimiliki. Segala yang diberi bukan semestinya dimiliki , cuma pinjaman sementara. Mungkin yang kekal jika kita sendiri mula memberi. Memberi diri kita yang patuh dan taat. Usah disoal apa yang akan diperolehi, itu kerja Pencipta.

Patuh dah syukur .Berusaha ke arahnya. Semoga sebagai mula kita mampu menemukan 'spark' nya. Asasnya ilmu.......

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Ponder this situation. You lost in the puzzling jungle. The time was 12 midnight.You have been trying find way out almost 5 hours, extremely tired, exhuasted and hungry. Worst more you lost your map and the torchlight was out of batteries. You shout out loud , hoping someone might came your way but no avail. You try to lit a fire due the madness cold but the safety matches you bring along had spoil when torrential rain start pouring....

What probably your heart will utter in this crazying situation ?

Suddenly. There is sound of barking dog.It seems very clear and adjacent. Using your sense of hearing, you follow the barking sound. Just in few steps it lead you to narrow alley and finally found your way out.You saw your house and family waiting at the garden.....

What probbaly you heart will chant at this most relief moment ?

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Letter to My Officer

Dear Capt Cheong,

I received your report letter upon ongoing Platoon Commander course. I sincerely congratulate for your sustained and maintained result so far.

I sternly believed the course has put utmost test on your physical and mental endurance. As Commander On The Ground, you MUST be able to lead your soldiers through the heat of the jungle and through adversity of situations. And at the same time, maintain yourself without losing the command to make sound operational and tactical decision.

I want you to feel and face the challenges of this course. Grab as much knowledge as possible. I also want you to visualize the role of Artillery officer in supporting the infantry in all phases of war. You must not hesitate to give handsome advice to Infantry chap on the fire support aspect. In that case , I suggest you to start read , learn and understand the book/pamphlet ‘ Artillery in Battle Series’. Memorize and fathom every single page.

Lastly, I pray for your good health. Enjoy and be sure to end the course with glorious result. Regards to all Instructors.

Truly ,

Friday, September 3, 2010

Sajak Lewat Pagi Merdeka

Selamat sambut mendekar Malaysia ke 53.
syukur merdeka tahun ini jatuh pada ramadhan yang mulia.jadi doa untuk Malaysia berjaya bagus sebab bulan ini Tuhan kabuli doa.

Saya nak doa Malaysia tak dijajah lagi.
nak doa org org Malaysia tak gaduh-gaduh
nak doa org Malaysia tak benci-benci .
supaya tak ada surau kena simbah cat
takde org baling botol arak kat surau
takde gereja nak dibakar
dan takde juga kuil nak dibom.

najib kata kita kene ingat ini negara kita.
tempat kita lahir , besar, hidup gembira.
sekurang kurangnya mati pun gembira.
sebab mayat sempat ditanam
sebab negara aman.

selamat mendekar !!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Nur Fatihah Imani

Tika ruang itu makin resah
saat hilang panduan dan arah
Nama itu ku sebut
lafaz yang tak berputus.

Nama itu menemani
dalam kabus paling kabut
dan Nama itu adalah pemberi kekuatan
pada musim risau paling gelisah.

Kini dia hadir
dalam majilis sejuta bahagia
memberi erti yang amat dalam
satu kehidupan yang paling bermakna.

Alhamdulilah Nur Fatihah Imani binti Shamyl selamat
dilahirkan pada 17 Ogos 2010 jam 1822 di
KPJ Specialist, Seremban. Amin

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Of Book , Pen and Destiny

Books always become my lover . But book is meaningless if we don’t read. Read become pointless if we don’t try to seek understanding.

Pen always my great companion. But pen is useless if we don’t write. The writing become useless if we write without purpose.

I like to share something from what I read. It’ s from Mr. Covey, and I’m sure worth pondering in our life. Simple basic thing , we assumed we know, but always forget . He said ‘ SOW A THOUGHT , REAP AN ACTION , SOW AN ACTION REAP A HABIT, SOW A HABIT REAP A CHARACTER , SOW A CHARACTER REAP A DESTINY.

We often hear ‘ I’m destined to be poor’ , ‘ I’m destined to be failure’ . Hope words from Mr. Covey above will relook again into your destiny.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Realising a Dream

Dear Prof. Koh Soo Ling,

I read your Sunday NST article ‘ Realizing a dream’ . I share your great pleasure of success, the contentness after long and winding journey as lecturer and educator in UiTM. You strolled a challenging road and now reach the triumphant halt, and definitely that 27 years had put you a lot of falls and rises.

Your motto ‘ to excel in what I do’ is the key of determination. You had observed the beauty of hardship and the delight of struggling which give meaning in anything you do. Sadly how youngster today has lack of determination to be successful . Even some are reluctant to make the first step to change their life for betterment , like what Columbus made his first step to leave his home and discover America. Motivations and visions are still obscure in our youngs.

I love to read stories of success. Such article of yours can be inspiring for the young and constantly remind them to chase their dream and live life meaningfully. Meaningful here means to be dedicated to anything they pursue in this life. It’s like what you have done for your 27 years, I’m sure to see your students success , is most ultimate fulfillment in your life as educator.



Monday, July 5, 2010

Daun Kering

Today is my birthday ! Happy birthday to me. I write this poem as my birthday present to my self.The poem name ' Daun Kering ' . Enjoy.

Daun Kering
yang ditiup angin.
Entah arah ke mana .

Cuma sedaya mungkin mengharap
angin yang meniup
daun kering dibawa
ke pintu syurga.

seremban , 5 jul 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Shortage of Staff Nurses

This letter is to inform on the shortage of staff nurses at Seremban General Hospital. Some wards are intense with patients and admission always at peak. My wife work at one of the ward often express worry of these lacking staff which may result many other unwanted consequences .

Normally each staff nurse will took charge of 4 patience . But now it can be triple and even more . At any time in the ward could amounting above 40 patients .They need to cover many task in attending each patients .This derive to many medical mismanage cases due to nurse fatigues . Staff nurse sometimes need to submit the explanatory letter for the faults occur and the complaints are getting increase. This at the end badly reflect on their performance evaluation record . Also numerous cases nurses that on pregnant ended miscarriage because have to work extra and heavily due to lack of staff. Sometimes they need to do double duty that stretch of 14 hours working a day.

Nurses are also susceptible to disease which transferred by the patients. One reported case which involve the staff nurse suffered Tibi which now jeopardized his life by her own career.

I urge the government and director of hospital take this matter seriously. The health of the nurses need to put at the top priority. Government need to identify the GH which having intense work of handling patients. The additional staff need to address urgently. This is to ensures that quality of health care that provided is at Par and error due to human can be mitigated.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Viva World Cup 2010

The fever is back , the World Cup 2010, the greatest football event ever , is around the corner. All media highlights are laden and focus on this fiesta. The football lover and enthusiast will be glued to their television with supporting jersey attire. 24 nations will be competing their strategy and strength. Team manager still counting the players and struggling to finalize the squad list before fly high to South Africa in 11 Jun 201o for kick start.

In our country this event climate is hot as ever, the Mamak’s big screen stall will draw its additional crowds , and McDonald also will accommodate even greater spectators by open as official venue for live telecast .

Even merrier the betting now made legal by the government. Selected firm need not to work underground . Police is ease from having additional task during this peak season, to rush any illegal betting activity which also generates other social problem such money lending, organized crime and money laundering.

The emergence of ‘Football Pundits’ is another interesting part of this big event. Everybody just can’t stop to give his own comment and view of every game played. Each game will be critised and enormously debated .’ If I being Cappello’ .. will be heard anywhere . Some will give the brief on the game strategy and other on team fallacy . Some turn Nostradamus by giving great prophecy on which will be the winning team. This epidemic will be prolonged for a month.

Malaysian always being big fan of football . We yell, disgruntle, dismay , shout , quarrel , and this have been the long joy and cry moment for our fans. We always observed how the greats play and manage their team . We had lot of ideas and effort in developing our country team . Our legends who had really put their heart and soul to this game contributed extensively. They have show the clear vision to our national football team . The football just not about how to play the game but more importantly how the team should be managed.

Hopefully the World Cup 2010 will not just be the lame Mamak stall talking, , yelling and jumping of supporters and also never ending story of tactic and strategic discourse. Let be the South Africa 2010 as platform for thoughtful observation and serious learning over battling team in the tournament . More fruitful part is to get something from it and implement the best solution for our football future. It’s an ultimate dream of everyone, to see one day , our team play in this prestige tournament .During that time we shout and cheer together for our own team in front of Mamak’s big screen stall.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Future Front Liner

The future of a country lies at their young generations , an inherent fact . The aspirations and visions that laced by our top brass undoubtedly outstanding, thoroughly and meticulously architectured . The question that may worry was wheter the visions has entirely shares and akinly frequensized by these younger generations.

National service is an applaudable effort coined by the government . In other sense it address the seriousness of the current leadership over the new generations. What will be the picture of the country once the baton is pass to this youngster , will they succeed and able to maintain our developing progress. Or we will moving at backward pace. The 3 months program of National service is just a starter. Instilling the sense of belonging and love for the country is lifelong dedication. It has to work continuously and the duration 3 months shouldn’t end once then finish the closing parade. The spirit and all the nationalism that being imparted need to be poured and seen once they rejoin the everyday life.

I’m consider among who inherited independent , developing , peace and harmony country. We are birth by witnessing all the tall buildings, modern technologies , pleasures of life by wide spreading entertainments. The culture of hedonistic are become the top priority which undermined our vision’s main effort and focus . By going back to our historical moments, delved into the trying and challenge chapters in our history are little way to aroused these youngster to understand how we are here now and the important of maintain our independent.

The country survivability is at eminent stake. It’s the time we need to instill some distinctive characteristic in them . In spite of they asking what things can be provided to them , timely they should ask themselves what they can contribute to this beloved country.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Ku tatang dirimu bagai sang pencinta
Seraut tubuh mu panas dalam dakapku.
Dan tidak ku hiraukan apa
lirikan matamu hanya bahagia.

Adakala keras langkahku
melayukan bunga-bunga ditamanmu
Dan seakan tidak ada lagi maaf
Di syurga tak siapa yang tahu
Apakah yang telah kita laku.

Engkaukah yang hadir bersama cinta itu
Yang menenangkan segenap hatiku
Yang menyinarkan seluruh hariku

Engkaukah senyuman itu
Yang merindu seluruh diriku
Yang tetap ingin bersamaku

Engkaukah yang merasakan semua itu
yang dirimu itu milik ku
dan bagaimana pula dengan aku?

Masihkan ingin kau dakapku bagai sang pencinta
Susun rapi hatiku di dadamu
Meski dalam kurang kasih sayangmu
tetap bahagia dalam duka lara kita
dan bila fikiranmu dan fikiranku bersatu
Dalam satu dunia yang tidak sempurna
Hanya kita saja menari bersama .

Dan adakala aku tahu
sentiasa melagu resahmu
hingga jadi dirimu tidak tentu
Bagai mahu saja mati terkaku
Tapi terfikirkah jika tidak lagi bersamaku…

Oleh itu tenanglah sayangku
Biar saja kulayarkan bahtera
Sebelum kita tidak lagi bersama
untuk selama-lama.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Think Over Life

Some excerpt worth to ponder and re- ponder :

We pray probably took about 7 to 10 minutes per session . Accumulatedly all 5 times prayers are less than an hour. Vice versa , we work at office from 9 to 5 which spent us almost 7 hours. Just imagine if we consider devotion to HIM only by perform the prayers, meaningly we only give 1 hours to HIM, how about the remaining 23 hours? Whereas God obligate us to devote to Him 24 hours...

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Apr 8 2010,Town White Coffee, Seremban. My usual and casual menu, White Coffee and Egg Toast. Watch over group of chinesse frens,having conversations and get together over cup of coffee . Gals with tiny shorts and boyfrens ,lovingly holding hands. I at one corner enjoy myself with my MP3, my best selected songs.It really create the mood. I think hard over the life again. Recollect my strenght to move on,finding things in life that I can dedicated to, thus to live meaningfully. Deciding the priorities in life, among few salients I neglected for so long. I choose to be in career which adverse to my innerself . I look how people make life so simple : like know where to go, what to find, what to do and happy with it. Vice versa I still doubt about the road I choose, not sure where to stop, when to move and more severely , where to go.

Mybe this my bless destiny.I struggle to understand things while others just fathom by little glance.This dwarfness haunting now and then .So I decided that this fine evening coffee,I just throw aside all those things and thinkings. I just want to be calm and happy. Don't care and bother about anything , what I know is to enjoy my thick white coffee , my yummy eggy toast and my loyal MP3 ,over the scenary of cute chicks around. Yes this what I want. Only this.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


My steps to achieve anything in life :

1. Set your goal.
2. Duration or Interval time to achieve.
3. Decide your intermediate/implied task ( things want need to be done)
4. Analyze critical factors. Always keep in mind.
4. Monitor your progress time to time.
6. Remind and re-remind goal.

Good Luck with the recipe !

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Meet Bond, Ruskin Bond

I have no idea whoabouts of this writer. It started when one day I bought stock clearence book sales at local bookshops only at RM 3 per copy. I picked 10 books by glance, accidently one of them is The Lamp is Lit by Ruskin Bond. Born in Kasauli , Himachal Pradesh in 1934, an India writer of English descend, he considered to be icon among Indian writer and children authors.

After read few pages, flips few leaves from his journal, I come to agree that this man write so simple, greatly. He wrote poem and story while enjoying the shade of cherry tree. He will lying on the grass and doing nothing but next second he gets up, brush ladybirds from the shirts and trousers to procced to his desk to write. He said "what I need is a paper" .

He survived of 40 years free-lancing only for being simple storyteller. He strived to give pleasure to both child and adult by not hiding his scars, but by showing that it can be beautiful in spite of them. His advice are purely his, " do what you know best, do it well. Act impeccably. Everthing will then fall into place".

This old chap inspired me alot to write. At the final chapter of his journal , his words still thick and sound , " and these are my parting words to you, dear reader : May you have wisdom to be simple, and humour to be happy..."

Some lines from Mr Bond :

When I was ten, I was lonely and read books.
At fifteen, I played football with other boys.
When I was twenty, I courted the girls.
At thirty, I thought time had passed so swiftly.
When I was forty, I concluded that I was failure.
But at fifty, as I was still alive and well, I knew I was a success.
At sixty, I played old music and fell in love again.
At seventy, I went in search of old friends.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Transgender, show your pride

I refer to issue and article on Transgender, NST 20 Dec 2009, they faced formidable life of being alienated by the society. I agreed, they need special care, deep discourses and any form of serious counseling sessions enabling them to lead a normal life. They experiencing internal crisis of gender, they fought with their feelings on to be true and honest about themselves. And at the end they lost the battle, they became hopeless and tormented of trying to be right person. Now they didn’t care anymore, what people may say about the life they choose.

Hard to find work, not accessible to any job interviews are most horrifying reality to them. They ended at selling their pride, the least they can do to earn living. This consider most cheapest career they delve in with luxurious gains .

The perception of society has become norm of transgender, they are synonymous to sleazy sex workers. More sad reality they seems enjoying and feel nothing violate about their wrongdoings. They are actually downgrading themselves. They choose to do something that put disrespect of others. If they among those successful business people in any realm surely this can be an eye opener to others. If they want to gain respect , they need to behave respectfully, uphold their pride and dignity. No matter they are transgender or even normal person , any commit of outlaws are not compromised.

This aspect we should rectified. We cant change them completely, turn them to be real man overnight. But by injection of dignity are starter for them to feel respected and accepted.

Friday, January 1, 2010


Slamat Tahun 2010. Saya menutup buku 2009 dengan mengharungi deman yang panjang. Hingga malam 31 , saya masih lesu dan tidak menunggu detik coutdown 12 malam. Tulisan ni pun dicatat pada jam 5.35 pagi apabila terjaga jam 0500, tersedar yang solat Isyak masih terbengkalai.

Resolusi tahun baru saya terlewat 5 jam. Tapi tak pe, kata org better late than never . Pertama setelah merasa deman hampir seminggu, saya akui bahawa sihat yang baik itu kurnia dan nikmat yang amat besar. Hampir semua kerja-kerji saya tergendala. Gejala yang saya alami :

1. Selera makan hilang.Meski KFC.
2. Hilang nafsu berkerja. Buat ape je jadi betul.
3. Fikiran tak mampu banyak berfikir.

Jadi, teringat kembali tentang gunakanlah sihat sebelum sakit. Bile dah sakit semua tak jadi. Kedua pada tahun ni saya mahu berpegang kepada keyword yang pernah saya saran pada diri sendiri iaitu :

1. Fokus
2. Serious
3. Masa

Dan saya merangkak ke 2010 dengan doa :

Tuhan, terlebih dahulu pinta dan maaf kerana dosa yang banyak. Dosa yang pernah dikesal tapi diulangnya lagi. Dosa yang tahu tapi dibuatnya jugak. Tuhan, saat sebegini terasa begitu kecil dan tidak dayanya diri untuk mengemudi diri melainkan AnginMu yang memimpin. Tuhan untuk sekian kali, hamba mu ini cuba mengoyakkan helaian mukasurat lepas, untuk memulakan catatan yang baru. Ya Tuhan, pada catatan kali ini hambaMu ini sedaya mungkin berjanji untuk untuk memenuhi cerita-cerita yang lebih baik .Insyallah.Amin