Thursday, August 13, 2020

Regain Your Focus


In everyday hustles, we often get distracted with many things. It impaired us from getting real attention and focus in performing important matters.  You can learn  a set of skill that can improve your focus to gain ndivided attention. Here are few steps or guides that could assist you to  regain your focus in yielding better productivity.


Step 1: Revert to your spiritual routine. Whenever you are distracted, it’s because your mind had been pulled to many directions. The mind easily lured to something else that is not trivial. The best way to put back you on right track and direction is to maintain the regular prayer schedules.  It acts as anchor that can reignite your focus.  Whenever you praying to God,  the contemplation in the prayer rejuvenate your focus.


Steps  : Perform A Brain Dump. This technic is very practical and what you need is a pen and paper. You scribble or dump everything in your mind into the piece of paper. This process in the end will clear your mind and you start to see things more vividly from the piece of paper. Subsequently your are position to make good decision.


Step 3 : Get it Prioritize. From your brain dump list, choose three very important task  and kick start from there. There was concept coined by Brian Tracey known as ‘Eat the Frog. He suggested that if the most difficult task was performed first, the later or rest wont be as difficult.


Step 4 : Set your focus session. When you starting to perform the task, decide the time frame that you will allow to give full attention. Let say you will give 90 minutes and during the period no other matter are allowed to intervene your effort.


Steps 5 : Always Remember the focus equation. Remember that practice make perfect. This exercises got  to make as  routine. Along the way always bare in your mind about the focus equation  ( Disconnect + simplify = Focus ).

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