Sunday, June 18, 2023

The 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah

Most scholars agree that the ten nights mentioned in Surah al-Fajr [89:1-2] refer to the first ten nights of Dhul-Hijjah. The Prophet Muhammad (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) emphasized their importance, stating, "No good deeds done on other days are superior to those done on these days [meaning the ten days of Dhul-Hijjah]."
The highly recommended deeds during these ten days include voluntary fasting, sincere repentance, recitation of the Quran, and observance of the night prayer. 
Hafsah reported, “There are five things that the Messenger (saws) never abandoned: fasting the day of Ashura in the month of Muharram, fasting the [first] 10 [days of Dhul-Hijjah], fasting 3 days of every month and praying two rak’aah before the dawn prayer.” [Related by Ahmad and an-Nasa’i]
The Prophet (SAWS) commanded us to recite a lot of Tasbeeh (“Subhan-Allah”), Tahmeed (“Al-hamdu Lillaah”) and Takbeer (“Allaahu akbar”) during this time. ‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him and his father) reported that the Prophet (SAWS) said: “There are no days greater in the sight of Allah and in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Him than these ten days, so during this time recite a great deal of Tahleel (“La ilaaha ill-Allah”), Takbeer and Tahmeed.” (Reported by Ahmad, 7/224; Ahmad Shaakir stated that it is saheeh).

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