Tuesday, August 9, 2022

How do you know that Islam is the religion of truth?

Islam comes from the word salam, which means peace. It is also derived from the Arabic phrase silm, which means submit your will to God. In other terms, Islam means peace acquired by submitting a will to almighty God. Any religious book to claim that it is a pure message from God should be proven to stand the test of time. Previously it was the age of miracles, and the glorious Quran is considered the miracle of miracles. Later on, came the era of literature and poetry, Muslim and non-muslim scholars are alike, they claim the glorious Quran to be the best Arabic literature available on the face of the earth. Today if a religious book claimed that the world is flat, no man would believe it in the age of science and technology, hence if we put this test of science and technology in all the religious scriptures, all of them failed the test except the Quran.

Albert Einstein said that science without religion is lame and religion without science is blind. The Quran is not a book of science s-c-i-e-n-c-e but its book of signs s-i-g-n-s and there are more than six thousand ayats in the glorious Quran which more than a thousand verses speak about science. If you compare the scientific facts that we have come to know recently around 50 to 100 years back, the Quran had mentioned it 1400 years ago. The Quran speaks about the creation of the universe in Surah An-Biya verse number 30 and scientists discovered recently about the big bang, which was discovered 50 years back while it was mentioned in the Quran 1400 years ago. We also learned that the earth was spherical in 1577 when Columbus sailed circumbulate the earth. Instead, the Quran says in Surah Naziat verse number 30 that We (God) have made the earth oval-shaped, referring to the egg of an ostrich that is geospherical. Science previously thought that the moon's light was its own light, but recently we learned that the moon's light is reflected light, not its own light. This was mentioned in the Quran 1400 years ago in Surah Furqan verse 61.  

So who could have mentioned all these facts in the Quran which we came to know recently,  1400 years ago ? We also learned that the sun revolves but does not rotate about its own axis, and Quran mentioned in chapter 21, verse number 33, that the sun, besides revolving, it also rotates. Today science has come to know and proved it sciencetifically correct. The Quran also speaks about botany, biology, zoology, embryology and genetics, which we all came to know recently in science 50 years back. If we put this test of science today on all the religious scriptures, the only scripture that passes this test is the glorious Quran.

Today science hasn't advanced so much that it knows everything. If you analyse the Quran, we come to know approximately 80 per cent of what the Quran speaks about science today has confirmed it is 100 correct; there may be about 20, which are ambiguous, neither right nor wrong. In logical thinking, when 80 per cent is accurate, the balance of 20 will have a high probability of being valid. There is not a single verse in the Quran which has been disproved by  scientific fact. There may be a hypothesis which may not agree with the Quran. Still, there is not a single verse in the Quran which is disproved by any scientific fact, so based on this, if we put this test to any scripture, the only religion that passes this test is Islam. 

Islam is the only religious scripture that has not been altered and has maintained its pure form for 1400 years. Based on these facts, Islam can be considered  the only religion we can think and believe to be truthful and correct. 

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