Another famous historical half-fiction novel that spells our
war against communism was Noel Barber’s The
War of Running Dogs. The book covered the Emergency time from 1948
to 1960, narrates critical period of abolishing the indoctrination of
communism by the British and throbbing
moment in giving independent to Malaya. Basically, I would say the book served as British version how their heroic protagonist’s mind had managed get rid
the ‘running dogs’ from success od dominating Malaya to establish Republic of Communism. Malaya
was every one dream due to her rubber
and mining lucrative. From Dutch to Japan
then British and now communist always dearing for the resources with lusting
revenues that be delved with soil. Jap in their struggles to fund their prolong
wars saw Malaya as their great opportunity and need be secured as possible soon. The Jap a
triumphantly seized the whole peninsular within unbelievable two
months. But they don’t stay long when the British made comeback after the
bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima which undermine overall of their effort.
Chinese people whose the majority of communist members, initially had worked
together with British as alliance in
disrupting and disparate jap effort to seize Malaya. But the plot gone awry
when jap surrendered, both former British and Chinese cooperative
became rival of each other. British themselves who have trained the guerrilla fighters have
to pay back the dissident and resistance
from their own recruits. The MPAJA which later known, had their own set
of doctrine to spread the empire of communism in South East Asia, but the British cunning make decision letting Malaya
for independent to further curbing the
spread communism influence in the peninsular.
The book basically depicting British’s heroic
characters on how they defeated the communist guerrillas within the span of 12 years. In the early chapter
saw how the heat of crisis rising with reluctant and easy going personality of Sir Edward Gent as High Commissioner . He
become realised shortly before 8 am on Jun 1948
when three young Chinese communists burst into the office of a large Malayan
rubber plantation in Sungai Siput and
shot the manager , Arthur Walker at
point blank range. Later was another incident that claimed the life of John Alison , also a estate
manager by twelve armed men, left Gent with untenable upsurge situation of Malaya. Communists were getting
reinforced to launch all out war against
British to put Malaya on their own hand.
Gurney Decision
Incoming successor was Sir Henry Gurney, who had foresight
how to win the war, made profound decision that were to change not only the
conduct of the war but the world’s thinking and policies when faced with
communist insurgency. His first and prime decision was that no armed forces have control of the war,
he advocated that the war in Malaya was
war of political ideologies. The need was armed support for a political war,
not political support for army war. Gurney
said that too many tools would not finish the job and he undermines to satisfy
any amy chief. He strengthened the police force by appointed col Nicoll Gray, a gallant DSO who worked with him in Palestine
before. He added far reaching measures into effect by the police could now
detain suspects without any trial up to two years. He then set a system of
rewards with killing and capture Chin Peng which worth $80,000. Later he made
compulsory for every citizen to register their identification card for further
control. Chin Peng quite slow to realise
that gurney had early plan to resettle the squatter , which later become
benchmark approach to undermined the communists. Unfornately Gurney was
ambushed at Gap , strike that consider unplanned by the communists. His Rolls Royce were viciously
shattered by communist’s Bren guns. True facts that he was also joined with his
wife and son in the vehicle. At the moment rain of bullets were shot, Gurney
had at sudden exit the vehicle run
towards adjacent cliff. It was weird decision but later realise it was for
the purpose of diverting the line of fire from the Royce to him in order
to protect his family in the vehicle.
Brigs plan
In order to erect new villages in resettling squatters there
are alarming need for authority or special powers to implement, a power that
could call on civilian or army. British also find that they are in the middle
of built up troubles with no Higher Commissioner could handle the government,
the country and importantly deal with Sultan on land
matters. Sir Harold Briggs came down to
Malaya after been in Burma, seems a man who understand the whole situation and
also passionately belief that this was a war to win people more than a war to
kill them. He firmly saw that this is a war of ideologies. Over the dinner with
Thomson, the Secretary for Defence, Briggs believed the whole key to the war lies in getting control of the
squatter areas. He reaffirms that the
people are uppermost , but we can’t expect any support from the people you
unable to protect. Briggs dictate what
all he wanted to organize – a small supervisory staff to coordinate work,
ministries, police and army got to do their own job but he will coordinate
every steps and actions by pick up things that go wrong and supervise. Without
any delay he draft out the directives to get the balls rolling.
These emergency derive to the well known decisive Briggs
plan. He underline the vitals in
conducting the war , firstly to dominate the populated area to built the
feeling of complete security. Secondly Briggs concerns the need to break up
communist organization within the population areas by isolate their food and information
supply.Lastly destroying the bandits by forcing them to attack on security
force ground. Briggs confidently believed with all these essentials, the
communist guerrillas would be like a fish out of water, gasps helplessly until
he dies. Briggs immediately formed a small War Council consisting himself, the administration heads
, police, army and RAF. Policies were planned and everyone had a part to play
because it is civilians wars and all
need a very tight coordination. Ideas were shared and Brigss brought the
concept of joint thinking to produce good resolution to present up to federal war council to be
approved. After resettlement site had been identified and agreed , surveyors
drawn the plan and each area and had
provision for police posts, school, a clinic and luxury of electricity and
water stand pipes.
Briggs then add
another task to security force to hold various inspection points of long lists
of restricted items. Cars were stopped, belts were undone even underneath of
car engines. The main objective was rice
for the rice was both the strength and weaknesses of CT. True fact that when the
CT who were denied rice for the long time suffered physically and morally.
Until then each soldier becoming amateur custom officer .This later known as
Operation Starvation, zeroing to
undermine the CT will to fight.
The Supremo Templer
The next successor of High commissioner was infamous Sir Gerald Templar, British would
know how Malaya would be handled by this
unconventional man of coloured Field Marshal. He breaks the tradition of
previous High commissioner by dealing all matter seriously fierce manner and
never take for granted even tiny of people welfare. Templer’s decisions were
firm and bold any his instructions always means now without a delay. He always
be quoted as saying ‘ if you are incompetent
, I sent you and replace thrice man better than you’. He wanted those
work under him to unite and working as a team by no one above another. He
refused to differentiate and in fury
voice he would scowled to Britons at all white lake club in Kuala Lumpur,’
there no such bloody thing as colour bar, British boys, Rhodesians, Gurkhas,
Africans and Fijians are risking their life aside by side with Malaya, Chinese and
Indians. The men see the real enemy in communism and they also clearly see
their real friend.’ He won the admiration of local people.
spent little time in his office, he wanted things done and done quickly, hate
most of wolly kind of thinking. He refurbished State and district War Committee
in new level after seeing ineffective and valueless. He knew that civilians,
soldiers and police would never agreeable. Templer started the system of Red Minute,
he never procrastinate on every evening after visiting trip sites and
considering to complaints , would landed at his office to start write brief
notes demanding instant actions to be carried out. Templer believed that he got to offer the people in trouble a big
carrot, and he had something big offer to Malaya , ‘ You should have
independent if you help me to get rid of the communists’. Templer got all his
power to control military operations, police and civilian servants and uttered
the need of first class intelligent service with widest power possible. He
urgent museum director on meeting and direct to brighten up the propaganda to
people bearing the believes of famous slogan ‘the battle for the hearts and
mind of the people. His deep conviction that Malaya Independent would be
success if the nation were united, and create way of life Malaya, not the British
or American way but must be Malaya way of life.
visited schools, hospitals, received delegations while working eighteen hours a
day and minded to bring women to contribute by starting women institution , new
red cross branches and community centres. He expanded police force and by the
tine more than 40000 regular troops recruited and request 120 armoured cars,
250 scouts cars and 600 armoured personal carrier. He desperately train the officers
to ensure their competency to handle the emergency. He enforced curfew by allow
the people only can leave their home from noon to 2 am. Templer first few
months marked sharp drop in the incidents and reaped the benefits of improved
public image.
Grand finale
After almost major vast of malaya peninsular are declared as
white area, the emergency was to end in the middle of 1960. During the last
three years of the war, more roads were build, more jungles are cleared,
bridges and water system constructed, school and hospital started. Tunku Abdul
Rahman, our father of independent louded that we were not fighting the
communist terror with arms alone, we went a long way to win the hearts and mind
of our people, we gave people more than the communists could ever hope to give.
Chin Peng has to admit he was loosing the battle and issue directives to all
his member that they can apply to leave the jungle in any conditions.
Eventually all restrictions were lifted and marked by greatest victory parade
in Kuala Lumpur on 31 July 1960.
The success
of the war of heart and minds signicantly crush the establishment of Communists
dictatorship in Malaya, South East Asia as a whole. It’s a war that cost life of 1865
security force, while civilians claimed of 2560 wounded , 2473 murdered and 810
missing. War was won collectively among Malay , British and
Malayan Chinese that strive the brilliant plan to combat against Mao Tse Tung’s
classic guerrillas tactic. Not
forgetting individual of high leadership
like Gurney, Briggs, Templer and Tunku.
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