Tuesday, March 31, 2020

the war of running dogs

Another famous historical half-fiction novel that spells our war against communism was Noel Barber’s The War of Running Dogs. The book covered the Emergency time from   1948  to 1960, narrates critical period of abolishing the indoctrination of communism  by the British and throbbing moment in giving independent to Malaya. Basically,  I would say the  book served as British version how their  heroic protagonist’s mind had managed get rid the ‘running dogs’ from success od dominating Malaya to establish Republic of Communism.   Malaya was every one  dream due to her rubber and mining lucrative. From Dutch  to Japan then British and now communist always dearing for the resources with lusting revenues that be delved with soil. Jap in their struggles to fund their prolong wars saw Malaya as their great opportunity and   need  be secured as possible soon. The Jap a triumphantly  seized  the whole peninsular within unbelievable two months. But they don’t stay long when the British made comeback after the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima which undermine overall of their effort.

Chinese people whose the majority  of communist members, initially had worked together with British  as alliance in disrupting and disparate jap effort to seize Malaya. But the plot gone awry when jap surrendered,   both former British and Chinese cooperative became rival of each other. British themselves who  have trained the guerrilla fighters have to  pay back the dissident and resistance from their own recruits.   The MPAJA which later known, had their own set of doctrine to spread the empire of communism in South East Asia, but the  British cunning make decision letting Malaya for independent to further curbing  the spread communism influence in the peninsular.
The book basically depicting British’s heroic characters  on  how they defeated the communist guerrillas  within the span of 12 years. In the early chapter saw how the heat of crisis rising with reluctant and easy going personality  of Sir Edward Gent as High Commissioner . He become realised shortly before 8 am on Jun 1948  when three young Chinese communists burst into the office of a large Malayan rubber plantation in Sungai Siput  and shot the  manager , Arthur Walker at point blank range. Later was another incident that claimed  the life of John Alison , also a estate manager by twelve armed men, left Gent with untenable upsurge  situation of Malaya. Communists were getting reinforced to launch  all out war against British to put Malaya on their own hand.

Gurney Decision

Incoming successor was Sir Henry Gurney, who had foresight how to win the war, made profound decision that were to change not only the conduct of the war but the world’s thinking and policies when faced with communist insurgency. His first and prime decision was  that no armed forces have control of the war, he advocated that  the war in Malaya was war of political ideologies. The need was armed support for a political war, not political support for army war. Gurney  said that too many tools would not finish the job and he undermines to satisfy any amy chief. He strengthened the police force by appointed col Nicoll Gray,  a gallant DSO who worked with him in Palestine before. He added far reaching measures into effect by the police could now detain suspects without any trial up to two years. He then set a system of rewards with killing and capture Chin Peng which worth $80,000. Later he made compulsory for every citizen to register their identification card for further control. Chin Peng quite slow to realise  that gurney had early plan to resettle the squatter , which later become benchmark approach to undermined the communists. Unfornately Gurney was ambushed at Gap , strike that consider unplanned  by the communists. His Rolls Royce were viciously shattered by communist’s Bren guns. True facts that he was also joined with his wife and son in the vehicle. At the moment rain of bullets were shot, Gurney had  at sudden exit the vehicle run towards adjacent cliff. It was weird decision but later realise it was for the  purpose of  diverting  the line of fire from the Royce to him in order to protect his family in the vehicle.

Brigs plan

In order to erect new villages in resettling squatters there are alarming need for  authority or  special powers to implement, a power that could call on civilian or army. British also find that they are in the middle of built up troubles with no Higher Commissioner could handle the government, the country  and  importantly deal with Sultan on land matters.  Sir Harold Briggs came down to Malaya after been in Burma, seems a man who understand the whole situation and also passionately belief that this was a war to win people more than a war to kill them. He  firmly saw that this is  a war of ideologies. Over the dinner with Thomson, the Secretary for Defence, Briggs believed the whole key  to the war lies in getting control of the squatter areas.  He reaffirms that the people are uppermost , but we can’t expect any support from the people you unable to protect. Briggs  dictate what all he wanted to organize – a small supervisory staff to coordinate work, ministries, police and army got to do their own job but he will coordinate every steps and actions by pick up things that go wrong and supervise. Without any delay he draft out the directives to get the balls rolling.

These emergency derive to the well known decisive Briggs plan. He underline the  vitals in conducting the war , firstly to dominate the populated area to built the feeling of complete security. Secondly Briggs concerns the need to break up communist organization within the population areas  by isolate their food and information supply.Lastly destroying the bandits by forcing them to attack on security force ground. Briggs confidently believed with all these essentials, the communist guerrillas would be like a fish out of water, gasps helplessly until he dies. Briggs immediately formed a small War Council  consisting himself, the administration heads , police, army and RAF. Policies were planned and everyone had a part to play because it is  civilians wars and all need a very tight coordination. Ideas were shared and Brigss brought the concept of joint thinking to produce good resolution  to present up to federal war council to be approved. After resettlement site had been identified and agreed , surveyors drawn the plan and each area  and had provision for police posts, school, a clinic and luxury of electricity and water stand pipes.

Briggs  then add another task to security force to hold various inspection points of long lists of restricted items. Cars were stopped, belts were undone even underneath of car engines. The main objective was rice  for the rice was both the strength  and weaknesses of CT. True fact that when the CT who were denied rice for the long time suffered physically and morally. Until then each soldier becoming amateur custom officer .This later known as Operation Starvation,  zeroing to undermine the CT will to fight.

The Supremo Templer

The next successor of High commissioner was  infamous Sir Gerald Templar, British would know how Malaya  would be handled by this unconventional  man of coloured  Field Marshal. He breaks the tradition of previous High commissioner by dealing all matter seriously fierce manner and never take for granted even tiny of people welfare. Templer’s decisions were firm and bold any his instructions always means now without a delay. He always be quoted as saying ‘ if you are incompetent  , I sent you and replace thrice man better than you’. He wanted those work under him to unite and working as a team by no one above another. He refused to differentiate  and in fury voice he would scowled to Britons at all white lake club in Kuala Lumpur,’ there no such bloody thing as colour bar, British boys, Rhodesians, Gurkhas, Africans and Fijians are risking their life aside by side with Malaya, Chinese and Indians. The men see the real enemy in communism and they also clearly see their real friend.’ He won the admiration of local people.

Templer spent little time in his office, he wanted things done and done quickly, hate most of wolly kind of thinking. He refurbished State and district War Committee in new level after seeing ineffective and valueless. He knew that civilians, soldiers and police would never agreeable. Templer started the system of  Red Minute,  he never procrastinate on every evening after visiting trip sites and considering to complaints , would landed at his office to start write brief notes demanding instant actions to be carried out. Templer believed that  he got to offer the people in trouble a big carrot, and he had something big offer to Malaya , ‘ You should have independent if you help me to get rid of the communists’. Templer got all his power to control military operations, police and civilian servants and uttered the need of first class intelligent service with widest power possible. He urgent museum director on meeting and direct to brighten up the propaganda to people bearing the believes of famous slogan ‘the battle for the hearts and mind of the people. His deep conviction that Malaya Independent would be success if the nation were united, and create way of life Malaya, not the British or American way but must be Malaya way of life.

Templer visited schools, hospitals, received delegations while working eighteen hours a day and minded to bring women to contribute by starting women institution , new red cross branches and community centres. He expanded police force and by the tine more than 40000 regular troops recruited and request 120 armoured cars, 250 scouts cars and 600 armoured personal carrier. He desperately train the officers to ensure their competency to handle the emergency. He enforced curfew by allow the people only can leave their home from noon to 2 am. Templer first few months marked sharp drop in the incidents and reaped the benefits of improved public image.

Grand finale

After almost major vast of malaya peninsular are declared as white area, the emergency was to end in the middle of 1960. During the last three years of the war, more roads were build, more jungles are cleared, bridges and water system constructed, school and hospital started. Tunku Abdul Rahman, our father of independent louded that we were not fighting the communist terror with arms alone, we went a long way to win the hearts and mind of our people, we gave people more than the communists could ever hope to give. Chin Peng has to admit he was loosing the battle and issue directives to all his member that they can apply to leave the jungle in any conditions. Eventually all restrictions were lifted and marked by greatest victory parade in Kuala Lumpur on 31 July 1960.

The success of the war of heart and minds signicantly crush the establishment of Communists dictatorship in Malaya, South East Asia as  a whole. It’s a war that cost life of 1865 security force, while civilians claimed of 2560 wounded , 2473 murdered and 810 missing.  War was  won collectively among Malay , British and Malayan Chinese that strive the brilliant plan to combat against  Mao Tse Tung’s  classic guerrillas tactic.  Not forgetting individual of high leadership  like Gurney, Briggs, Templer and Tunku.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

the jungle is neutral - as i read

After succesfully regain malaya  from jap, spencer chapmen , among key officer in the 'stay behind party' has recuperate himself and take  education job at university of reading  after his military career. At the aged 63 he suffered terminal ailments  due to his past  dwelling in malayan jungle operations. On 8 august 1971, he  ends his own life at his study. leaving a note to his wife ' I don't want you to have to nurse an invalid for the rest of my life'.  Its shocking to know a coloured and gallant british officer , who fought in the heat of the malayan jungle  with brutality of jap had ended his life such  dismay. By acknowledging  his exceptional endurance and strenght to survive , left me thinking about human survivalbility, especially person of extraordinary , will deteriorately losing his will and perseverence when  challenges  become absent in his life. Spencer story of fighting in small group on his mission in malayan jungle  is worth ponding for those who want to call themself  an army officer. 

Ealier japs landed in kota baharu,  going fast from kota baharu to grik , accelerating to reach kuala kangsar in order to cut the communication of the 11th Divison in Kedah. The division is falling and withdraw to line of perak river. Unable to hold the line, 11 th Div  moved down  to kampar when bulk of artillery gun position had their reach for covering fire. Eventually japs were expected to cross the line bfore christmas, and during this desperate moment Spencer arrived at Kuala Lumpur in the middle of air raid exactly on december 22, 1941. Knowing british going to leave major bulk of their force from malaya for retreat , his mission was very clear : to remain in the primer jungle of malaya and to train  the native guerilla forces and battle on. He spent 3 year plus in the jungle until his success to built strong guerilla forces to resist japs througgh deadly encounter with the enemy and horrifying diseases.

The tactic adopted was hit and run raids behind the enemy lines and operations are focus at night time. first operation was executed  at the trong river, targets are aimed particularly along the jap line of communication from taiping to the tanjung blanja over perak river. to further assist the operation, spencer had supplied of malay speaking  who knew that part of perak. jungle always give great assurance  of cover and concealment, for spencer diving to the ground would completely hidden him in the dense  undergrowth and best methode to elude any pursuit. after sometime in the jungle, spencer had learned  a lot about jap and the country. he managed flock back to kuala lumpur the sent his reconnaissance report and start to craft the plan for further actions to train the guerillas.

Spencer mentally awared how critical to recruit volunteers especially in the dense of malayan. for him the jungle is neutral, it provides unlimited for friend and foe, only attitude of mind  whether  you will go under or survive. some locals already are forced to provide information to the jap and they have closely align to to  for protectection or fear of atrocities that jap may incur. volunteers among planters a favourable to spencer due to their robust nature and  great sense of humor. they were group in to six and then operate in three pairs . they must be stronger in attack and defence and having ability  to cary more explosives . during night, they are expected the operate in smaller group even a single person. from all his experience spencer sees the group need to have nature of run the lines of polar or climbing expedition than conventional millitary exercise. he managed to get the right people to run his business and confes brit like himself taking more long time to adapt to this kind battle space. he admitted that the length of british soldiers to sustain  in the malayan jungle was only for few month or NCO perhaps could withstand a year. the hostility of malayan jungle is too severe with man eating tiger , deadly fevers, venomous snakes and scorpion and native with poisoned dart. luckily spencer manage to live with  his new  diet of rice and vegetables.

in keeping himself  to daily events and getting  information clear, spencer was keen on writing his war diary. he captured every name of places,  locals , and would write every event in precise detail. the diary was consider valuable appaaratus and not to be loosed to anyone. in one situation, spencer had encounter an ambush and was slightly shot to his arm, he desperately crawled to ground to bury his diary before get captured by the japs and confiscate his diary.  througout the years in the jungle  , he kept very full diary  and wrote it up each evening. but  in one of the month  he was down very ill and thought of going to die, he started to write  his will  and dictated it his war buddy , Haywood.  at another occasion , he jumped from his ill bed panicking because has not written  anything on his diary for two consecutive days.  Hayward then tellling spencer the real truth that it was not two days, but he has been unconscious for seventeen days  and had completely in comatose due to severe illness. Spencer also a keen reader and lacking of  book in the jungle poorly effecct on his mind. when new loads of resuplly landed, he come to elate to see wonderfull selection of war books, among them John  Brophy Target Island and Gibbs Battle Within. One of his nobel initiatives was  producing illustrations of guerilla tactic manual , updated gun drills procedure and explosion methode which then become essential reference for guerilla volunteers.

guerilla camp was designed convienint as possible for the new volunteers to undergo their training. it was like any soldiers recruitment center routine, time were meticulously set for every recruitees to follow. as early at 4 am when the cook already start to heat up the kitchen bfore the whistle blew up at 530 for morning master parade. they are fully dressed up with complete weapons, fully armed within the 5 minutes of the whistle blowing. subsequently PT take place on the parade ground with mild strenous considering  the volunteers low diet. after cleanup they will resume with formal parade,  singing the ' red flag' and followed with talk that last for half an hour on several topics ; politics, camp disciplines include soviet war success. prime  time training proceed with military training, arms drill , grenade throwing perfecting marching . many of the volunteers keen to learn the exact distance which rifle could kill , muzzle velocity of tommy gun , how many rounds per minute of lewis gun capable of.  they were true learner and very fascinated with all the weapons. as the got any new type of weapon they eagerly strip it down with great enthusiasm. bfore last light call, a general debate will take place in main hut of the camp, on diverse subject smoking, how malaya fall and more serious topic that should jap prisoner be put to death or converted to communism and liberated?  spencer felt that he had succesfully gathher the potential volunteer of winning the war.

in order reorganize this covert stay behind operation, force 136 was established to get things worked effectively. with former intructional 101 STS staffs that highly equipped with guerilla tactics, this force main intention was to disrupt the jap tenure of all occupied countries in any possible way. they have to work with chinese agents and ensure the member of the force are capable with the language and country background.  they european member of the force have to join the guerilla in the jungle with their radio communication equipment and sent out information colllected by their chineese agents. the first operation know as Gustavus 1 was for a european and several chinese embark on Dutch submarine from Colombo and shipped by night using chinese boat north of malacca straits. they furher landed on the west coast between penang and port swettenham. subsequently the chinese in the party then contact the chinese ashore  and link them to the guerilla. in duration of a month, they force come out by chinese fishing craft to be contacted again with the submarine. spencer was one of the member in the final expedition of this operation. 

On august 6, 1945, the historic event took place, the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and three day later a second bomb devestated nagasaki. On august 17 the cease fire order  was sent to all force 136 peronnel in the field. spencer who had left malaya earlier being parachuted back to malaya at Kuala Lipis drop zone for final cordination of cease fire. spencer  accepts the japaneese surrender in kuantan on september 30, 1945.

During his 3 years of fighting battle in malayan jungle , major spencer chapmen didnt realise that he was alredady  promoted to Leut Colonel, until he received a letter that stated  to his name and rank. upon his bravery and perseverence he was knighted as Distinguished Service Order (DSO) and Efficiency Decorations (ED) by british royal.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

wabak dan masa

 saat diuji adalah saat dinilai tahap prestasi dan mampunya diri. di keratan perjalanan manusia, banyak simpang -simpang ujian. di simpang itu, kita dilontar dengan persoalan untuk diri : apakah keputusan yang bakal diterajui, apa paras fikir kita tidak ambil keputusan yang salah, dan lebih penting dan utamanya - apakah ujian itu menjadi landas kita memuhasabah diri menjadi manusia lebih kenal pangkal hujungnya.

aku melihat ujian ini sebagai dua cabang. Jika ujian ini bisa menjadi kita lebih baik, hampir pada pencipta , makna ia adalah sebuah hikmah. sebaliknya jika ujian ini lebih merenggang kita kepada pencipta makanya ujian itu adalah berwajah musibah.

namun , aku keras percaya, apa saja yang berlaku di ruang lingkup kehidupan itu adalah hikmah. kerana nadi masa masih berdenyut untuk kita menanam benih makna dan tujuan. Musibah adalah apabila kita sedari , akan silapnya kita , namun sudah kehilangan masa dan tanah untuk membajak kebaikan. ini sudah pastinya apabila masa kita telah tamat, waktu di hadap untuk di mizan dan masih masih saja merayu  diberikan masa, dan kali ni berjanji menjadi manusia yang patuh

wabak ini akan berakhir, dan manusia akan kembali melilau di serata muka bumi dengan tujuan masing-masing. dan aku lebih mengharap agar kali ini tujuan mereka lebih terarah . bukan lagi kepada kemusnahan tapi kepada pengertian bahawa masa untuk hidup di bumi semakin singkat.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

seteguh tekad

Kali ini aku ingin kongsi pegalaman membaca autobiografi Dr. Sidek Baba berjudul Seteguh tekad. Buku itu ku habisi dalam masa sehari dan sungguh sayat di saat membacanya. Buku ini menceritakan pengalaman hidup , dari awal kepayahan hidup hingga berjaya mendaki puncak kejayaan. soeorang anak kampung yang hidupnya penuh keperihan, nama teguh tekad telah membawa dirinya ke mercu yang amat dibanggakan. Aku amat terkesan dengan kisahnya kerana, aku mempunyai hasrat yang mirip dengan impian beliau, lantas ingin ku kongsi sedikit pengalaman membacanya.

sedangku baca memoir ini, kulakar gores -gores nota   babak-babak penting yg bole ku jadikan nota catatan memotivasi diri di kiri kanan muka surat, mungkin ni cari kegemarunku bila membaca. Sebatang pen harus berada di tangan untuk ku gariskan isi-isi penting. dulu nya aku agak sayang jika buku-buku ku diconteng namun tidak lagi. ini cara mudah bagiku untuk menyibak semula helaian muka surat yang ku rasa penting  untuk dijadikan pedoman hidup.

hidup mencari nafkah dan tekad diusia bersekolah

Cikgu Sidek (gelaran yang amat dekat pada diri beliau ) dulunya dikenali sebagai budak petai. beliau akan berteriak 'petai  petai' di merata kampung sejurus kembali dari sekolah mulai jam 3 petang hingga ke lewat senja. Teguh tekadnya , jika petai masih belum terjual dia akan beredar ke Kampung telok Gong, Tg Bidara dan Pengkalan Balak untuk menghabiskan jualan. digagahi sebilang hari untuk mendapat untung empat atau lima ringgit bagi membantu keluarga.

pada waktu itu, untuk bersekolah memerlukan kos tinggi yang agak membebani , dimana ayahnya hanya seorang petani mengusaha pelbagai tanaman untuk menyara keluarga. Ini menimbulkan persoalan di benak sidek dan bertanyakan pada diri sendiri adakah kemiskinan akan menghalang untuk dirinya untuk maju ?  sidek tertekan dengan keadaanya meskipun waktu di sekolah  dimana tiada guru yaang simpati dan bertanyakakan keadaan beliau yang serba kekurangan. pernah juga di suruh ayah untuk menjadi seorang pekerja stor di kem terendak pada masa itu. namun tekadnya teguh dan hasratnya tinggi , digagahi jua mengayuh basikal ke sekolah dengan jarak lebih 40 batu.

suara hati sidek sering berkata bahawa kepayahan dan kemiskinan mestilah dibekalkan dengan ilmu. dia bertekad untuk sentiasa bersabar dan sanggup berkorban demi Allah SWT. Di memanjat sekuat-kuat harapan untuk melepasi dari tangga ke tangga. Dia benar-benar bertekad untuk lulus LCE  sebagai asas yang baik untuk melangkah seterusnya.

pada mula usaha beliau sering menemui jalan buntu, dan menyedari akan kelemahan diri dalam pelajaran apabila berada di tingkat menegah. Bagi anak kampung, berada di tingkat menegah adalah sesauttu yang jarang dilakukan , kerana kos biaya agak tinggi bagi warga kampung yang miskin. namun dengan keadaan demikian, ayahnya sering mengerti peri penting untuk  menimba ilmu untuk maju di dalam hidup, dan tidak mahu kepompong kemiskinan diwarisi kepadan anak-anaknya. sidek menyedari bahawa keciciran beliau di dalam pelajaran disbebabkan kurang bimbingan dan tunjuk ajar semasa di sekolah . bila beliau mendapat peluang tinggal bersama bapa saudarnya yang juga seorang guru, sidek mendapati kemajuan  dalam pelajarannya. tunjuk ajar yang ikhlas daripada bapa saudara menyedarkan betapa pentingnya seorang guru mempunyai aspirasi murni untuk mendidik anak bangsa dengan penuh dedikasi dan bukan sekadar hanya menyampaikan informasi kepada anak muridnya.

menjadi cikgu yang berjiwa besar

Akhirnya beliau berjaya untuk meneruskan kembara ilmu di Institut penguruan Sultan Idris di Tanjung Malim. fokus yg tinggi diberikan untuk menyiapkan diri untuk menjadi cikgu yang berwawasan  Disebabkan menyedari matlamat sebenar dan tidak mempunyai wang yang banyak sidek selalu mengurung diri di asrama  dengan membaca, berfikir dan mengarang. ini menjadi katalis kejayaan beliau dan menjadi gcikgu yang berdedikasi. Beliau telah ditugaskan dibeberapa buah sekolah di Melaka dan juga berkesempatan mengajar di sekolah cina. Sidek mendapti guru-guru  cina amat rajin mengajar dan kebanyakkan mereka garang-garang belaka. konsep mengajar yang ditekankan oleh sekolah ini adalah latih tubi  dan pada hari sabtu kelas tambahan diadakan agar memantapkan ilmu-ilmu yang ada pada pelajar.

hasrat sidek untuk melangkah ke menara gading amat memendam di dalam dirinya. ramai rakan-rakan mengajak untuk memohon ke universiti malaya. namun hati kecil beliau berbisik agar hasrat itu tangguhkan dahulu kerana bagi beliau prioriti yang utama  adalah keluarga dan adik-beradik. Beliau tidak mahu tergopoh gapah untuk melanjutkan pelajaran tetapi kebajikan keluarga terabai. Keutamaan beliau adalah untuk membalas jasa ayah ibu terlebih dahulu dan mendidik adik-adik. Hati sering berkata apalah erti kejayaan sekiranya keluarga dan adik beradik hidup larat menderita.  Dan
sidek benar-benar yakin jika kita meletakkan priotriti dan fokus yang betul. Fokus yang terarah akan membantu usaha yang berhasil. Di samping itu juga sidek seorang yang memperingati  wawasan sebenar diri beliau iaitu menjadi seorang pendidik. Pada beliau kecekapan dalam mengajar boleh membantu kecemerlangan murid-murid dan belajar dengan kaedah yang terbaik mampu memberikan keputusan yang dihajatkan.

agama memberi matlamat yang jelas

Sidek sering menyedari dengan kemampuan diri dalam pendakian ke mercu kejayaan. di usia yang semakin mematang banyak hasrat yang akan bermain di benak. beliau tiada cadangan untuk membeli kenderaan  kerana tidak suka berhutang jika bukan keperluan. Pegangan pepatah melayu ukur baju di badan sendiri amat bertetapatan dengan prinsip hidup beliau. Ini jauh sekali untuk mendirikan rumah tangga meski hasrat usia yang demikian memang membakar. Bagi beliau ini bukan prioriti, kerana matlamat yang jelas telah digariskan  sejak awal  bahawa apa yang dikehendaki adalah  untuk menjadi pendidik yang baik, berjaya dalam HSC dan membela nasib keluarga.

ajaran agama yang ditimba sejak kecil menjadi sidek seorang yang teguh keyakinan dalam memandu arah hidupnya. Ilmu -ilmu agama dan kaedah mendidik sering menjadi bualan fikirannya dan terus bertanya tentang diri dan hakikat ketuhanan, tentang islam dan martabat islam. kuliah-kuliah yang ratusan dihadiri banyak mengajak beliau mengingatkan manusia tentang mati dan azab api neraka.

perkara ini bagi beliau memerlukan kupusan yang sedalam-dalamnya terutamnya mati dan azab api neraka. kehidupan yang baik di dunia hasil didikan yang betul adalah teras penting untuk membina jambatan ke akhirat yang kekal. Sidek terus menanyakan apakah dia telah membina jambatan yang betul atau sebaliknya, dan ini memperkuatkan lagi beliau untuk meneroka alam pendidikan mengikut ilmu islam timur dan barat.

takdir Allah telah menjemput ayahnya pulang kerahmatullah. sidek terkenang kembali jasa orang tuanya menjadi pendidik dan pendorong utamanya dalam menuju kejayaan. arwah ayahnya sering ulang sebut dan menyakini bahawa suatu hari beliau akan menjadi seorang pendidik yang berjaya. Meski arwah bukan seorang penilik masa depan, namun kuat keyakinan bahawa sidek sautu hari nanti akan dikenal orang ramai. Sejak itu azam nye semakin mengkonkrit dan menongkah untuk mencapai apa yang dihasrat. Bagi beliau untuk berjaya kita kena degil . Degil ini bukan dalam erti kata kita sombong atau keras kepala tetapi degil bermaksud berkeras hati untuk tidak berusaha atau berputus asa.

untuk mengembangkan ilmu harus berlandaskan acuan yang benar dan betul. ini banyak menimbulkan persoalan yang memerlukan jawapan terutamanya dalam mengungkapkan makna kehidupan . Sidek benar-benar yakin bahawa Islam ada jawapan yang besar yang memberi impak kepada kehidupan yang membawak ke akhirat yang berjaya.  tetapi beliau kerap melihat orang melayu suka beribadat tapi hidupnya susah dan suka menyerah. sideka lantas bertanya apakah menjadi muslim menyebabkan kita malas berusaha dan melontarkan kita ke lembah penghinaan. Sidek menyakini Islam adalah agama yang benar dan mengajak dan menjadikan umatnya kuat dan hebat. Silapnya islam menjadi lemah dan hina berpunca daripada kelemahan ilmu yang ada pada penganutnya. Islam pernah berada dimercu kegemilangan ilmu dan Al Quran menjadi landasan untuk mengembangkan ilmu dan kekuatan islam di zaman silam bersumberkan kecemerlangan ilmu dan peibadi ilmuanya. kita harus membezakan pendekatan fadhilat dan titipan ilmu. benar kita disarakan untuk bertahlial, marhaban dan mengerapkan bacaan yasin tetapi harus juga selarikan dengan titipan ilmunnya. Al Quran sarat mengandungkan ilmu, apakah cerita nilai pengajaran daripada surah yasin yang perlu kita highlight untuk mengembangkan ilmu adalah sesautu harus ditelaah dengan penuh keseriusan.

ilmu dari perut ibu ke liang lahat

anak -anak adalah aset masa depan yang perlu terus digali cara pendidikan yang betul. waktu yang paling kritikal mendidik anak adalah di antara dalam perut ibu dan hari pertama kelahiran hingga ke aakhil baligh. Anak-anak mempunyai firtah yang tinggi  dan ini saat penting dalm membentuk asas watak, peribadi dan sikap. sidek melihat ketempangan fitrah akan berlaku jika tahap pendidikan yang berlandaskan kasih sayang tidak dapat diterapkan sebaiknya . Beliau menekankan pendidikan diperingkat awal merupakan tuntutan  yang teramat penting bagi memastikan manusia kanak-kanak itu dibangunkan dengan fitrah yang selari dan dapat dikekalkan sedemikian. Ini adalah bagi mengelakkan kemasukan perkara-perkara lain yang tidak sepatutnya menyelinap masuk ke dalam diri kanak-kanak dan menjadi ejen pembangunan yang korup dalam dirinya.

Sistem pendidikan di negara ini  sentiasa berkembang dan mengarah ke arah yang developmental. Sidek berpendapat ia akan lebih berkembang dengan kukuh dan stabil sekiranya pendidikan didukung oleh falsafah dan juga sistem nilai . Didapati nilai hanya dikembangkan dalam pendidikan agama dan moral dan agak kurang pada subjek-subjek yang lain. Pendapat beliau tanpa nilai pendidikan akan bersifta utilitarian di mana dengan nilai manfaan ilmu dan ketrampilan akan wujud yang bakal memandu manusia menjadi lebih baik dan memiliki matlamat dan arah tuju yang jelas.

ilmu akan terus berkembang dan akan melahirkan banyak pandangan dari sisi yang berbeza. perbezaan harus ditanggapi secara pendekatan. Sidek telah membuat suatu perumpaan yang indah dalam meraikan perbezaan ini. Beliau menyatakan  ia diumpamakan sebuah taman yang indah jika hanya terdapt sejenis bunga sahaja ditanam , ia tidak akan dapat mengindahkan  taman tersebut. Namun jika sebuah taman  yang ditanam dengan pelbagai jenis bunga , warnanya berbilang boleh mencorak keindahan serta wanginya juga boleh menyegarkan hiduan dan bauan. Sidek juga menegas  jika ada bunga ros di kalangan bunga-bunga jangan digunakan durinya untuk mengaik dan mencangkuk mencederakan orang lain.

hasrat yang luhur

sidek mengorak kejayaan dalam setiap tongkahnya untuk berada di puncak mendidik anak bangsa. beliau begitu merasakan nadi anak-anak bangsa yang dahagakan ilmudan bimbingan. Sidek kuat percaya anak bangsa memohon pengertian dan perhatian dan menjadi tanggunjawab sebagai pendidik untuk menyampaikan dengan penuh keikhlasan dan kejujuran . Sidek berpendapat selain daripada mengajar dengan teknik yang berkesan, mendekati dan membantu mereka yang dalam kesempitan pandangan dan hidup.

setiap pendidik harus lah mempunyai matlamat dan hasrat yang tinggi terutamanya dalam melihat pelajar-pelajar yang lemah. Guru mesti bijak dalam menjadikan yang cerdik semakin cerdik, yang sederhana meningkat cerdik dan yang lemah terus meningkat dan merasakan mereka diambil kisah dan peduli. Memahami potensi yang berbeza ini amat penting dalam memastikan setiap pelajar tidak dalam keciciran dalam arus pendidikan yang deras pembangunannya. Keciciran adalah faktor yang boleh mengakibatkan pelajar-pelajar menjadikan kurang berminat untuk belajar dan untuk terus menimba ilmu.

sidek sering mengingati pesanan arwah ayahnya menjadi suluh pekerti beliau, ' kalau takdir kau jadi orang yang dikenali nak, jagan lupa ALLLAH. Selalu tolong orang susah dan orang miskin mesti ditolong. Selalu kaitkan rezeki dengan berkat, kalau engkau jujur dengan ALLAH, pertolongan ALLAH akan datang. ' Dengan pegangan kata-kata ini sidek sering menginsafi tentang matlamat sebenar kehidupan dan kita sebagai seorang hamba yang melaksanakan amanah ini. hayat yang diberikan oleh ALLAH  adalah agar kita dapat melakukan ibadah kepadaNYa dan bersedia untuk melangsaikan tanggungjawab kita sesama manusia. Ini wajar kita syukuri kerana ALLAH sentiasa melindungi hambaNya yang berada di landasean yang betul. Dan adakala ujian hadir dalam hidup, tidak lain untuk menguji dan mengajak manusia menggunakan akal dan hati melebarkan ikhtiar supaya kekuatan iman dan takwa bertambah.

umur yang dikurnia janganlah kita sia-siakan. bekalan ilmu sentiasa membimbing kita di landasan yang betul, tiada jalan yang lebih bermakna daripada sentiasa memberikan jalan diri ke jalan ALLAH agar kita dapat memberi khidmat yang terbaik kepadaNya.

diakhir perenggan autobiografi ini, sidek kilas sebuah maknawi yang indah, ' aku hanya sebutir pasir ditengah padang yang luas, menginsafi rahmat dan nikmat ALLAH yang tidak terbatas, merasakan kekerdilan ku disisiNya, bersyukur dengan apa yang dikurnia, menyumbang apa yang mampu, moga-moga sebiji pasair menjadi bahan binaan yang memberi guna kepada yang lain' .

Friday, March 6, 2020

janji 1957

Malaysia wajahmu cemas seminggu lepas,
jantung mu resah  berdegup laju.

Malaysia, kulihat ketulan air meniti  matamu,
ku tahu kau sedang mengenang saat kelahiran mu,
dan janji 1957.

Malaysia ku tahu dalam takut dan ketar,
Kau terusi langkah untuk gagahi rukun peganganmu.

Malaysia jgnlah engkau tidak berdaya lagi
utk menghasil buah di pohonmu yang tersedia rendang.

Malaysia teruslah menghijau, kerana mereka masih perlukan rendangmu.,
jangn sekali akar mu rengsa harapan utk terus tegak berdiri.

Malaysia ku tahu kau masih ingin rindu tersenyum,
melihat anak2 riang berhayun buaian dia dahan mu,
sambil beramai mengutip buahan yang sedap di makan.

Malaysia berjanjilah padu ku, jika ribut dan kelam menjelma lagi,
engkaulah pohon itu yang kami berpegang.

Malaysia kami kesekian kami cuba berjanji ,
tidak mengukir nista di kulitmu,
dan  kan kami pasti kan 5 dahan mu tetap utuh
memegang hayunan buian anak anak harapan
yg bakal menyirami mu kelak.
