Bundles of models and
frameworks are offered to organisation to promotes their change process. Some frameworks
are simplified in the form liner stages model and others more updated
approaches such as non-liner time. Kurt Lewin ideally put planned approach for
change while Dunphy & Stace are more inclined towards situational approach.
Kotter believed in effective leading in order to secure successful change. Organizational Development evolution in
another hand develop new Appreciative Inquiry to promote sustainable change.
In reality change is
full of uncertainties and paradoxes. As asserted by Alvesson (2008)
organizational change is not mainly a matter of carrying out a sequential list
of steps. It’s too complex and chaotic in reality with unforeseen sequences, resistance,
political process, ambiguity and diverse interpretations. This non-liner nature of change has shifts
the model of change from sequential model to process oriented approach. More recent
powerful change tool of storytelling and narratives approach has added the
spices to modern concept organizational change. Buchanan & Badham (1999)
advocate the power political dimension to change, standing that the need of
expertise of the change agent and political astuteness in managing change. The
smooth going of this approach would largely depend on the degree of acceptance
and contest from employee. If the change more incline toward contested, it will
less collaboration and need more forceful and manipulative strategy.
In another hand, Jabri
chooses to be subtler and sustainability in his idea of change. He advocates
the need for talk, dialogue and conversation in engaging everybody in the
change process. Jabri in his view of force-field analysis draws an illustration
model of how important communication take place in ahead to build readiness
from resisting forces and promoting forces.
Dawson (1994) in his
processual perspectives identified the important of ongoing processes engage
with substance, contexts and political of change. He strongly encourages
examine multiple voices, capturing and retelling of change histories and
viewing change as complex non-liner process. The outcome of the process will provide
readable narrative of how change unfolds in practice and enables distillation
of practical guidelines.
How far we have
advanced in change conceptually, I always remember the core of it is to shift
from defective to betterment progressivel and gradually. Changing people as told
by beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is like to shift a mountain to another
place. It will not be smooth sailing and easy going but took a lot of courageous,
sacrifices and sincerity in action.
among you who sees something abominable should modify it with the help of his
hand; and if he has not strength enough to do it, then he should do it with his
tongue; and if he has not strength enough to do it, (even) then he should
(abhor it) by his heart; and that is the least of faith” (Muslim).
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