Thursday, May 18, 2017

On Change

Human as civilized beings are constantly change, and this natural process marked how we are progressing through ages. There are three types of people denoted their life conditions, passive reactive and proactive. In facing modern world challenges, and to, we require to plan and manage our change in such way that leads us to betterment in life. Like saying, in order to predict our future is best by design it ourselves…

Modern Long - Term Organizational Success
Today increasingly for organization to stand successful, is largely based on their capability to manage change, nurture creativity and to promote innovation. Creativity, innovation and change are intertwined catalyst to give organization competitive advantage to stay ahead in changing world of business.

Taylor ( 1856-1917)  vs Mayo (1880 -1949)
Taylor was first initiated modern scientific management in British Industrial Revolutions (1730-1850) and spelled the mechanism of efficiency in modern industry by replicate ‘human machines’. His studies provided big leap in productivity but has led to discontent among industrial workers on the way human are treated. He further assumed on his approach: money motivates people and people have tendency to idleness (I think it stills relevant nowadays where most workers need to be monitored on their job by timely performance appraisal, punch card and overtime pay)

Later Elton Mayo came in to scene to improve above concept with his Human Relations Theory. He against Taylor remarks and expand ideas on productivities by his infamous Hawthorne Study for Western Electric Company. He delved on how the physical conditions of work effects productivity and came out with findings that Human factors rather than physical working conditions determine worker satisfaction and performance. (It can be observed how ergonomics now being emphasized in factories from the chair, lighting and tables they used in industry).

Change in Nut Shell
It is vividly shown here how important change has become and inevitable in our daily life. Change is not just about new ideas but also useful and for betterment, this meant positive change. In order to achieve this, change has to be plan and manage meticulously so that the impacts are sound and beneficial to society at large. In nutshell ,change is the movement over time from current ways of doing things to new ways of workings.

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