Sunday, March 1, 2015

vicegerent, servant and trial

1. What is connection between vicegerent, servant and trial ?
2. When God declare to create human as vicegerent on earth, we need to  aware that we are creature created by a creator. In another meaning as created being we also existed as servant to a Benefactor. 
3. It is reasonable to say that as servant we need to obey our Master or Creator to what had ordained to us ?
4.  This also means as vicegerent and servant there are set of rules that we need to comply and implement which already decided by our Benefactor.
5. It is agreeable that as servant we were rewarded and paid for all our duties ? As obedient servant we will be rewarded accordingly to want we have done and performed.
6. In performing our duties we may face some shortcoming and obstacles. As a created being, human always  in the state of uncertainly weak. We constantly need guidance from our Benefactor because we are the beneficiaries. Just like an employee need decision and instruction from employer in a company. So as a Creator He can provide us anything he wanted.
7.  Its fair before He rewarded something he would like to test and put some trial to whether we deserved it or not?
8. In another word life  itself is a trial to His created being or vicegerent before reach his ultimate reward that are heaven or vice versa.
9. Is all this make sense ? Where are here on earth to be 3 in 1 : vicegerent, servant and trial.

kuantan2 mac15

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