Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Leadership of Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh

825 years before the conquest of Constantinople , Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had said, as narrated by Imam Ahmad, “ You will conquer Constantinople. It’s commander is the best and its army is the best ” . The longing of the Muslim community  at that time to invade Constantinople was beyond of having recognition,  power and  material purpose. It’s a city that promised by  beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and  the Muslim had long  prepared themselves on this glorious journey to claim what had been destined and foreseen for them. It  become inspirational catalyst for Muslim  in cultivate and preparation  of this great leader. The person  destined was Sultan Muhammad Al- Fateh, son of Sultan Murad II, the 7th ruler of  Ottoman Empire. The invasion of Constantinople in 1453  by  his powerful conduct of leadership  is not merely a recorded conflict of Byzantium and Ottoman when  the clash between the Christianity and Muslim at its peak. Moreover  the victory of Muslim at that time was the proved of truthiness and the reality teaching of Islam  and how this religion defined  the best of commander and leadership .

His Early Excellent Preparations

       Muhammad Al-Fateh was born on 27th  Rajab, 835 A.H.,  30th  March, 1432. He was brought up under  his father, Sultan Murad II, the seventh Ottoman Sultan. His father prepared and trained him to hold the responsibilities of the position of a ruler. Muhammad Al-Fateh memorized all the Quran, learnt the Prophetic narrations, Islamic jurisprudence, mathematics, astronomy and the skills required for war.
       He also learnt Arabic, Persian, Latin and Greek languages. He  often joined his father in his battles and conquests. His father appointed him as a ruler of a small state so that he could receive practical training on administering state affairs under the supervision of some of the top scholars of that time. Sheikh Aaq Shams-Ad Deen, one of the scholars who supervised the upbringing and education of Muhammad Al-Fateh, managed to incstill in his heart the spirit of Jihaad and the desire to be a person with high ambition. This matter influenced the character of the young prince and tinted his personality with Islamic morals and manners.  

True Faith and Believe

       The most important characteristics of Muhammad Al-Fateh leadership was his  bearing of strong faith in God  and his believed  in the truthful of purpose. The sole purpose of uphold and outreach  the teaching of Islam was his true humble conduct of being true Muslim.  Sultan Al-Fateh was aware  that he had to put a  strong base to start from. He believes that no nation could achieve success without having a  solid base of spiritual level and this become his  main conduct and cultivation  to his man. As mentioned by Amru Khalid, contemporary Islamic Scholar, expound that Sultan Muhammad Al–Fateh had two distinctive behavior , first the hard  and solid  determination to achieve his vision. Secondly his cottony and soft  hearted  like a water whenever invoke to God, his tears will rivers  his eyes hoping that God will please him  and blessed all his effort.  Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh was believed never abandon his Tahajjud (night prayer) and Rawatib (prayer before and after 5 obligatory prayer) prayer since his puberty until death.  He  instructed his soldiers to do the same practice and he had showed them by leading and examples.
        In order to make the best of the armies, he ordered all his soldiers to never neglect their 5 times obligatory prayers. Prayer or commonly known as Shalah, in Islam, is indeed, the source of both inner and outer strength for Muslim and at the same time he trained hard in military practice. His armies were among the strongest, the most pious, the most obedient, and the most loyal of soldiers the history of the Ottoman Empire could ever have.
      During day time he would be on his horse to observed his soldiers training and at night he strolled to every his soldiers tents, and supervise them on their Quran reading and night prayer.  To make him really confident of his soldiers and to test their integrity and piety, he ordered two of his soldiers to find some pomegranates for supper. Those two soldiers when around the whole Island and finally found the fruit farm but unfortunately unable to get the owner. They decided to just grab the fruit as it was request  but rethinking that would it would  be an  act of stealing . The stolen thing is consider Haram (unlawful) to eat. And they don’t want their King to supper something that forbid by God.  They both when back to meet sultan with empty handed. Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh questioned about their failure , and the two humble and pious soldier told  him everything what  had happened and justified why they didn’t take the pomegranates . Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh  had strong believe that their soldier are ready for the conquest of Constantinople.
       Abdul Salam Abdul Aziz Fahmi also described  how Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh personality where he led very moderate and simple life. Most of his time his spend in lower and prostrate himself to God. Other than that he spend his precious time reading and military training. He reluctant to indulge in leisure of wealth and luxury living of the castle.[1]

Strategic Thinking

      His second attributes obviously will be the bearing of strategic and innovative thinking. Strategically Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh started his battle planning and preparations by establish peace agreement with western counterpart Serbia and Hungary. The intention was to deter any aids that may come  support to the Roman during the final campaign. Another example of strategic planning by Sultan Muhammad Al-Fatih was erected of Rumeli Hissari castle  that oppositely   located to Anadolu Hissari which gave great control over sea lane of Bhosporus Straits and Golden Horn. Sultan also never neglected time precision factor. His judgment on time factor was emulation and references to his past forefather which also had involved on this holy battle. He sternly believed that  the longer time he consumed in encompasses Constantinople, the more they are vulnerable to be outflanked and defeat by Hungary and Venice   betrayal. Prior to that he prompted to invent weaponry  that capable of knock and collapse the Constantinople impregnable wall as most accurate within a blast. Urban was an  engineer  hired and willingly to provide his service to those requirement.

Creative and Innovation

      The attributes of innovative and thinking out of box  played imminent roles in his glorious success of capture Constantinople. The famous and well known tactical decision from Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh  was in destroying the Golden Horn Chain by sail his 70 ships on land. After 3 attempt to destroy the Golden Horn Chain using the sea method went on unsuccessful , he came out with an  extra ordinary idea to overcome this barrier. This was consider the history record of unbelievable creativity and soul determination of great leader. Amount of 70 ships being sailed on  land for 5 km from Bhosporus Straits enter into the shore of Golden Horn. Round timber were arranged and liquidated with oils to smoothen the movement of the ship that sail on the land. As stipulated  time all those ships emerged  in front of Constantinople  from land and overcome the chain barrier. This unthinkable method took only one stretch of night with hilly and undulating ground entire 3 miles. The opposition also had thought of Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh had seek the help of black magic and devils.
       The event of shipping over land happened not just due to wonder of God but Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh  open minded in made use the wonders that God created in human mind and brain. Lord Kinross also reported the wise and intelligent of Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh in transported the ships on land was prompted idea of  battle strategy expert from Italy. This shown how bearing of openness of  the Sultan to any idea to achieved victory . Besides consider this method as innovative and creativity, but beyond that was the act of faith which he strongly believe the assistance from God will reveal in the maintaining of purpose, effort and trust.

Diplomacy and Welfare

.       In the teaching of Islam ,in the Jihad (struggle) for The All-Mighty, war is consider the last resort and  foremost important is to resolve by way of diplomacy. This measure has to be taken before  military action  being executed and spill of bloods occur. According to Ibnu Hajar Al ‘Asqalany  the war of diplomacy is greater imminent in side of God than physical war. The fall and siege of Constantinople was not from the lavish and greed within or just prophecy from beloved prophet but every action of Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh was in line accordingly with rules and law at that particular time.
       The peace treaty which concluded both  relationship of Ottoman and Byzantine   are the main policy of Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh when he was in rule. Opposing to this, The King of Constantine XI  had  few times intruded and tried to instills havoc in Ottoman politics. Even before the first strike was launched, Sultan had sent his diplomatic officers, Mahmud Al- Basya  to meet King of Byzantine and request  for peaceful  release of Constantinople when the situation become untenable for the Rome. Edward Shepeherd , one of  Byzantine prominent  scholar from London in 19th century  had  recognition  of Ottoman military for their humanity and diplomatic forbearing. Within the 53 days of surrounding the Constantinople, the Ottoman had kept the number  casualties of Byzantiun at very minimum level. Once the final capture of city , Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh in most humble manner declared the protection to entire people of Constantinople regardless Jews, Christian nor Islam. He promised to peaceful life, security of belonging and trading and ensure the freedom of practicing their own belief and faith.

Great Orator Skills.

       Great leader not only be known for their extra ordinary ideas but importantly how his ability to  transfer and share the idea  with the subordinate through clear and effective communications . Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh was charismatic with his words that diluted the heart of his thousand soldiers and even his staunch belligerents. His oratory skills contributed a lot in his conquest of Constantinople by mastering 7 languages namely Arabic, Turkish, Latin , Persian, Greek , Serbian and Hebrew. He sternly believed that languages is the key to knowledge of his enemy as famously quoted by Sun Tzu. Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh  great speech  was famously know during he spoke to his people on the conquests of the Constantinople ,  his words to Urban , the canon maker , and the his last words during the dawn of final attack. He wisely said to his soldiers “ O all to my sons, this what I am. I surely ready to be fall in course of All Mighty. Those who love to give his life to this path, lets follow me..”  . All his encourage lines serves the important to get his vision across to his men, which done gently and wisely , the way that kindled the heart and siege the bottom hearts.


      Late Dr. Stephen R. Covey in his famous 7 Habits of highly Effective People mentioned that human never able rule his consequences or destiny but the principles are which governed them. Those highly effective person are the one who adhere themselves to the guiding principles which made them truly great and effective. Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh  strong believe and faith in true teaching of Islam and his steadfastness in abide to will of All Mighty was his foundation victory in capture of  Constantinople. He wise posturing of stern faith  which had emulated by  his soldiers and made them both the best of commander and the best of army. Today more and more people are drawn to Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh accomplishments  and  up to him as a hero and great example to  follow.
       In concept of Maturity Continuum, Dr. Covey again mentioned that the most greatest and formidable part being effective leader was in achieving interdependent effectiveness. This was probable what foretold by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) 1400 years before , and what the prophet had meant by ….What a wonderful king , is its commander, what a wonderful army is its soldier…..


  1. can i know the references for all of this information?

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  3. May I use your information to participate in my school public speaking team ? If yes , thank you =)

  4. Sory i just notice ur comment, do you still require it?

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  6. May I know the reference used by this article. I would like to write an article about Sultan al Fateh and wish to find some references about him. TQA
