Sunday, July 31, 2011

Al- Fatihah

Saya merujuk berita 'Maut dilanggar bapa undur MPV' Berita Harian 30 Julai 2011. Kisah sayu ini amat menyayat hati dan saya menyedekah Al- Fatihah kepada Nuramni Athirah .Bagi bapa dan keluarga Che Fauzi agar terus bersabar, memohon kekuatan iman dan petunjuk daripada yang Maha Berkuasa. ' Tuhan melembutkan hati kita dengan kurnian cahaya mata, dan Tuhan menyucikan hati dengan mengambil kembali anugerah itu.' Amin.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Bertanya Tentang Tuhan

Assalamualaikum Ust.

Saya Shamyl, pasti Ust tak kenal saya. Saya antara pembaca buku penulisan Ust , 'Bertanya Tentang Tuhan'. Saya amat tertarik pada judulnya lantas tanpa berfikir panjang terus membeli. Pengalaman membaca dan 'mengembara' bersama Ust amatlah berkesan sekali dan saya merasakan ia sebuah buku yang cukup baik dan mudah difahami . Ia menjawap banyak soalan dari dalam diri saya, banyak membuka hati dan minda saya dalam menelusuri hidup kini yang kian lupa berbicara tentang Tuhan.

Hidup yang pancaroba kini , amat sukar untuk merasakan diri sebagai seorang hamba. Apatahlah lagi untuk tekun mematuhi ajaran Nya yang benar ini. Mungkin perjanjian roh dengan Tuhan sautu ketika dulu merupakan episod penting yang telah lama dilupakan dan tidak layak dibincangkan bersama ketinggian intelektual masa kini. Seperti yang Ust ceritakan , perjanjian yang dilupakan, walaupun telah dipesan oleh komander, dan bila terjun ke hutan itu , ramai mereka terpesona dengannya hingga ada yang tersangkut duri dan ada yang berpaling tadah.

Mungkin saya lupa selama ini bahawa Tuhan itu dekat,Sebaliknya saya sendiri yang selama ini menjauhkan diri dari Nya oleh sebab kejahilan .Bila mengetahui dan diterang oleh Ust bahawasanya Tuhan itu dekat, ia adalah berita gembira pada saya dan memberi beri semangat pada orang seperti saya yang masih terkial-kial untuk mengenal dan mencari Tuhan.

Saya bersyukur kerana diberi peluang membaca buku 'Bertanya tentang Tuhan'. Saya berterima kasih kerana Ust kerana bersama saya sepanjang perjalanan itu, Kini saya merasakan panggilan saya semakin disahut dan dijawap oleh Tuhan dan menyedarkan saya perlu banyak bertanya dan mencari lagi.

Mungkin kita boleh berjumpa dan berbicara panjang lagi . Banyak soalan yang terus bermain di fikiran saya
yang masih mahu Bertanya Tentang Tuhan.

25 Jul 11, Seremban.

Obesity and Habit

I like to share some thots on this heating issue. I been up and down in fighting to reduce my weight . As personnel that work with Defence Ministry , the weight control is alarmingly eminent. It really a determining factor to excel in my career path. This was the carrot and stick or the motivation which I subordinate all this while. I need to maintain my Body Mass Index ( BMI ) not to exceed more than 26.9 . But this grievous weight control struggle always ended up myself in dismay. I failed to continuously maintain the index due to my great habit of food lover.

Today food temptations are unresistable, we being served 24 hour daily , fast feeding food, Mamak stalls with the mini cinema which invite customer to join together and having one Malaysia delicacies all day long. This external factor very contagiously attract new kind of eating habit. Unlimited consume of food at uncertain time contribute greatly to obesity.

But why even I manage reduce my weight below 26.9 BMI , for certain purpose especially when to attend courses or on promotion board, but still I unable to maintain that weight for longer time ? This is something associate to habit . I have developed bad pattern of eating which then become my bad habit. Habit is something we do continuously and it is an auto – pilot kind of act. This means if we have the good habit of eating and life style , this issue won’t arise. This is critical challenge, to create and change the habit of eating and lifestyle. That all it takes.

But habit not built over night. It takes gradual time which involve knowledge , desire and skills to evolve. When this awareness and consciousness is inseparable to someone, it would naturally indicate when you need to buckling down to control your weight and lifestyle. The habit must be nurture at very young ages, so the adolescent aware this important habit at any level of age.

Excess food that not burnt will become saturated fats. This means the food that we consume doesn’t equal to the activity that we do. I always remind myself if I want enjoy more of my favorite temptations, subsequently I need to counter them by any activity which with the food consumed. Some food for thought.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Of Purpose, Reason and Endstate.

Whenever we lost or get puzzled, or ended up in confusing maze, the best thing to do is to go back where we started. In life , we always assumed to 'know' everything, assume we are aware and conscious of every our decisions and actions. If we do , great , you are on the right track.

I'm here not trying to educate anyone, just to rewind or maybe refresh back where we started, looking at the fundalmental or basic things in our life. Every event that occur or things we do always lies the intention , motives and reasons. All this is to contribute to the goal we stated, which is the endstate of what we want to achieve or things we want to see happen. This is commonsense. Probably people will laugh if i'm trying to make a class on this topic. Those are succesfull realised this and they become very effective people.

In our daily life, we set goals , wheter conscious and unconscious. There must be reason behind our doing or act which sometimes we doesnt clear with . In order to be control of ourself,we should have clear understanding about this fundalmental. And to be highly effective person, we need to start with clear understanding of our destination ( endstate), it means to to know where we are going ,better understanding where we are now and so that the steps that we take always in the right direction.

It always crucial to decide destination or intent we want to achieve. This is no nonsense or recreational task. Probably may I suggest a initial question to ask ourself, 'What I want in this life ?' This is a great start ! The greatness of your goal the greater your action will be and greatest person you become.

So decide now.