I have no idea whoabouts of this writer. It started when one day I bought stock clearence book sales at local bookshops only at RM 3 per copy. I picked 10 books by glance, accidently one of them is The Lamp is Lit by Ruskin Bond. Born in Kasauli , Himachal Pradesh in 1934, an India writer of English descend, he considered to be icon among Indian writer and children authors.
After read few pages, flips few leaves from his journal, I come to agree that this man write so simple, greatly. He wrote poem and story while enjoying the shade of cherry tree. He will lying on the grass and doing nothing but next second he gets up, brush ladybirds from the shirts and trousers to procced to his desk to write. He said "what I need is a paper" .
He survived of 40 years free-lancing only for being simple storyteller. He strived to give pleasure to both child and adult by not hiding his scars, but by showing that it can be beautiful in spite of them. His advice are purely his, " do what you know best, do it well. Act impeccably. Everthing will then fall into place".
This old chap inspired me alot to write. At the final chapter of his journal , his words still thick and sound , " and these are my parting words to you, dear reader : May you have wisdom to be simple, and humour to be happy..."
Some lines from Mr Bond :
When I was ten, I was lonely and read books.
At fifteen, I played football with other boys.
When I was twenty, I courted the girls.
At thirty, I thought time had passed so swiftly.
When I was forty, I concluded that I was failure.
But at fifty, as I was still alive and well, I knew I was a success.
At sixty, I played old music and fell in love again.
At seventy, I went in search of old friends.