Thursday, December 28, 2023
Quran: The Final Testament
Saturday, December 16, 2023
Food Myth Debunk
Nutrition Changing View. People
are totally confused and competing things, eggs are bad eggs are good, meat is bad meats are good, coconut oils are bad, coconuts are good and it's bad again. How do
you make sense of it and interpret the science we know in 2023; about what's true we should be eating.
Research shortcoming. Nutritional studies are done on populations over a long period of time but they're not cause-and-effect studies they are just correlations. Eating meat seems to cause heart disease because the population was studied at the time they actually didn't care about their health this is an example of confusing science.
Food is required not just for energy but to heal, repair and uplift our body. Food changes your gene expression; regulates your hormones; changes your immune system; it can create inflammation and reduce inflammation; affects your microbiome; and affects your brain chemistry so if you're putting junk in you gonna get the junk out. That is why disease happen. food is probably one of the most powerful drugs on the planet. We can reverse type 2 diabetes in a few weeks by changing people's diets. but there's no medication that can do that.
Food Industry / Govt / National policy. The government is heavily influenced by lobbyists. That is what's influencing policy. Our dietary guidelines are influenced by industry and have their own agenda which of course not about food as medicine For instance, government-funded national health promotion of dairy. Science said there's no evidence that milk protects against fractures. A skim milk which we make all our kids drink low-fat milk actually leads to more obesity in kids actual dairy has no fat and skim milk makes you hungry.
Food industry wicked strategy. The food industry enhances flavour taste consistency and they're not things we should be eating. Their food is like substances they're not real food. Certain foods in the food supply are addictive. Sugar mainly and processed foods are designed to be addictive. The food industry hires craving experts to create the Bliss point of food. They create the most pleasurable experience that biologically affects our brain like cocaine heroin or alcohol.
Popular Diets confusing explain
Plant-rich diet. Our diet should plant rich and not be heavy on protein. In fact, heavy protein is actually turned into sugar in the blood.
Important of fats. Fat is actually what our bodies need to thrive so we probably need about 50% of our calories as fat. By volume, we need to mostly plant 70% of our plate should be vegetables and that doesn't have very many calories. 21 cups of broccoli has 750 calories. We're supposed to eat low saturated fat to reduce cholesterol but did you know that breast milk is 25 percent more saturated fat
Meat debunk. Not a lot of evidence that meat is harmful it's a great source of protein and antioxidants
Vege vs animal protein. Another trending diet is the vegan diet. You still need animal protein. You need a six-ounce piece of fish or chicken while you need three cups of beans and that's a lot of beans and it comes with 100 grams of carbs. Beans aren't terrible but they're they're also low in an amino acid which is critical for making muscle. There's good evidence that the best quality protein it's animal protein but it should be organic sustainably raised grass.
Bottom line our diet should be plants. We should have a plant-rich diet with small amounts of sustainably raised or harvested animal foods whether it's chicken fish or meat. And should be eating a lot of good fats and that's pretty much the diet .it's low starch and sugar and you can have a very high starch and sugar vegan diet. It also depends on your metabolism.
Islam and Mental Health
The study found that there is a link between faith in God and mental health, yet the connection is not a direct or clear one. Depending on things like the type, intensity, and environment of religious belief and practice, different studies have found different benefits of religiosity on mental health.
Here are some ways that faith might be good for mental
- Faith gives people meaning, hope, and comfort, which can
help them deal with stress, pain, and hardship.
-Faith can help build community and social support, making
you feel less lonely and alone.
- Faith can make you feel good feelings like gratitude,
forgiveness, and compassion, which are good for your health and happiness.
- Having faith can help you do healthy things, like staying
away from drugs, meditating, and working, which are all good for your physical
and mental health.
Some of the ways that faith can adversely affect mental
health :
- People can feel guilty, anxious, or doubtful if they think
they are not living up to their religious standards or ideals. This can make
their faith worse.
- Faith can cause or make discrimination, intolerance, or
stigma worse if people are rejected, persecuted, or intolerated because of
their religious views or practices.
- Faith can stop people from getting professional help or
make them wait to do so if they only depend on prayer, faith healing, or
counselling from clergy, or if people in their religious groups have negative
views or beliefs about mental health care.
Thus, the link between faith in God and mental health is
complex and has many parts. It can be different for each person and each case.
Many people use their faith to deal with problems, grow, and do well in life.
There is no direct answer to the question of whether faith is good or bad
for mental health.
In the case of Islam, research has shown that
adopting the faith can promote sound mental health and even prevent depression.
This is because Islamic beliefs and practices give individuals a sense of
purpose and meaning in life. The teachings of Islam encourage them to maintain
a positive outlook on life, show gratitude for what they have, and seek support
from their fellow believers.
Muslims also have faith in Qada
Qadar, which means they unquestionably accept Allah's divine decree for them
and whatever happens to them as a test to prove their deeds. We humans have
many weaknesses, but Allah reminds believers to consistently repent before Him
and strive to improve their faith. Our sincerity will be judged soundly on the
Day of Recompense.
Additionally, the daily prayers
and recitation of Quranic verses help to calm the mind and reduce stress, which
can have a significant impact on one's mental health. Overall, gaining faith in
Islam can be a powerful tool in promoting spiritual well-being and mental and
emotional well-being.