In Islam, God is Allah, and when we say Allah, we do not believe in a God who is only a god of the Muslims, the Arabs, India and Pakistanis or the Middle Eastern. We say the word Allah referring to the Creator in different languages. Names for the same Creator in Hebrew are Elohim and Jehovah, and in Spanish, it is Dios. Thus Allah is the universal God, and there have many attributes of the Creator. He is an eternal, mighty, merciful, and loving God.
He wanted to guide humanity and did not come down and become a human, an idol, an animal, the sun, or the moon. HE chose Messengers and Prophets, and when He created Adam, He sent a fundamental truth to Adam that do not worship animals and Idols but only submitted to one God. The submission to one God in Arabic is called Islam. God gave the same truth to all the messengers and prophets like Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them). A passage in the Quran in chapter 16, verse 36, that God appointed Messengers and Prophets to all the nations, and then God sent them one fundamental truth inviting people to worship one God and not the creation but the Creator. So every Prophet, including Jesus, came with the message of Islam.
Jesus and Moses were Muslims, not Christians or Jews. Allah says in the Quran chapter 3, verse number 67 that Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was a Muslim. Quran says in chapter 3, verse number 5, that Jesus is saying to his people verily Allah is my Lord and your Lord worship him alone, and that is the straight path. All the prophets came with that path, but some people in many different times and generations moved away, and they diluted the Oneness of God and started to take Idols as mediators or the creators.
That is how humans started their faith in Hinduism. Some people began to worship the sun. Atheism started when some people started taking away the concept of God. Some other people, by mistake, started to elevate Jesus, a messenger, flesh and blood, a human, because he was doing Miracles, and they thought maybe he was more than a human, and they started to believe he was a Son of God or part of Trinity. That is how the faith of Christianity was created by humans and not given by God. Jesus never used the word Christianity, which is not in the Bible. The term Judaism is not there in the Bible, nor is the word Trinity. God sent the last messenger, Muhammad, and peace be upon him, to bring all of these people back again to the faith of Islam.
Allah sent scriptures to Jesus, Moses, David, Abraham, and other prophets. Those scriptures were only meant for that time and those people. Throughout history, those scriptures started to change and dilute, and some of them got lost; thus, Allah, by His merciful and loving and guiding nature, sent the last book, the Quran. The same Creator sent the Injil, which was given to Jesus and the books given to previous prophets. He sent the final scripture, and God took the responsibility that no one would change. There are 15 million people who memorize it. The Quran mentions who the Creator is; He is not a human, Jesus or Trinity. The Quran mentions how to transform ourselves, the things we should avoid, the things we should do right and the solutions to human problems. Quran came to transform a human and the family and all of humanity.
Last but not least, the Quran says that one day we will stand in front of God; like when we go to schools and colleges, there is an evaluation at the end of the semester. The evaluation for each of us would be based on the day of judgment according to how we lived, believed, and practised. On that day, God will only admit those people into Paradise who only worshipped one God without any partners and did Good Deeds. If someone falls short, God wants us to ask for repentance. God says many times in the Quran that He will forgive us. Thus the way to Paradise is not somebody who dies for us but by God's forgiveness and repentance. On the other hand, if somebody keeps associating partners with God even knowing the truth, there would be admitted to hellfire.