The best word to say about of all thing is - I'll try. And I had said this many times and keep on repeating it. Even I dont see what really lies ahead, butI guess I will drive as far as my car lamp could lit the dark way . I thinks I should confront the taboos of conventional writing perception. No rules or format that bound for me to write. Just enjoy crafting my thots into words, as I please.
I reread one of my old book , it was a chicken soup motivation series in rekindle the spirit of writer. I astonishingly learning new hope in become writer, and keep on writing. I learned how succesful writers went through formidable challenges moment before become what they are. Hundreds series of rejection from publisher, giving up with ridiculous writings, the stoned of ideas, and the numbed of creativity. Even some writer recollect their kneaded paper from dustbin to rewrite again.
I guess for all this while I have not bcome very consistence, and got lack of focus to write. There was no special allocated time planned in advance, just through random gut feeling. I assumed this would'nt going to work effectively. Again the book remind me , disciplines is above everything even talent sometimes defeated by it. If I want my works have progressive trend, the only solution is by disciplines and planned daily rountines. If I just keep on waiting your best mood timings to come, I will promised you ended up nowhere.
I remember, during my best time persuing my post grad course, I kept a tight routine of spending planned and routine time at library. I got full time study scholarship, and treated everyday from 9 to 5 as my working hour at the library to complete assigments and preparing lectures notes. The outcome was fruitfull, I had more time to spend with my family during weekends. If I emulate this same concepts to writing, I'm kinda sure it bare the same results.
Writing contents always bcome my true barrier which often halt me half way through. I noticed that I too lazy to do research on pertaining topic, not sensitives too details and lacking on meticulous eloborations. I easily jump into conclusion at accerelated speed to finish the writing up. I only produce surfacing contents withount deep exploration of ideas. So again I advising myself sternly, dont take easy in doing rsesearch, reading more material, speak to people to share their thots, keeps alot of notes for references.
Writers mind never goes to bed , he or she always have lingering thots that work for 24 hours in his mind. Dont miss every miraculous ideas which passing through the mind, pen paper always at standby mode to capture the initial thots before it bcome faded between other thinkings.
Last and least dont make this pleasure beďcome heavy burden to your interest. It should be something inspiring your day and not a stressful responsibilty that sadden your motivation. Find the right spot, place or cosy cafe that can boast your spirit to write. And I'm pretty sure a cup coffee always the best companion while you scribbling the first drafts !