Monday, December 18, 2017

Notes to start

1. It came to me to know more about few salient things. The most ignorant state is reluctant to get to know something we should know about but reluctant to do so. I agreed the well must be filled in order to pail them out.
2. As being yourself , anyting that build, influence and having closet connection with you is must to be fathom and considerablely well versed about. Getting deep into your origin and acquinted with all its intracacies how history made you into complete puzzle would fashioned you become someone inner and outer awareness. If we need to critised the economy of malay, diligently we must know about how our colonial master plan in organise the different races and in segregate ecomic responsibilities. To know how the mechanism of politics, how our premier in defined ‘controlled democracy’ . And to go in detail understand the belief work, wisely analyse how clashes of Islamism and Hinduism in 14th century and merchant from Arab and India interact and significant impact malay sultanate ruler relegate the belief and understand to all pupil under their rule.

3. Deciding the utmost important what need extensive knowlege and finding its core understand was bothering me lately.  I choose the themes of Malay and Islam as the start to cut the socio politic and better understand myself and how it has work from the early start. 

Friday, December 15, 2017

Give and Get

The principle of giving first and then you get back is fundamental and often forgotten. We rush to expect immediate outcome, and hope for abundant without giving anything. 

Even this reciprocital concept is contagious. ‘What you give, you get back’ and its karma. How you treat the person is how the person will do same thing. In this concept the meaning of giving can varies, more pragmatic sense. Financial perspectives would mean before you reap the benefits, giving first in investment .In general sense,  earning back your outcome only can expected after you put your toil and effort

Fear and uneasiness is wild ideas and imigination with no action plan or path to realise it. Money is better as seed to produce more money  rather that coins to buy things. 

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Just Do it

Reading and learning something new give me a mix feelings. It combined with new fresh way thinking and some worries to try something different. Why the uneasy feelings be part of that new experience? I think I am now standing between the old habits of comfort and willingness to shift to another fresh paradigm.

I look this as positives challenge for start new horizon and experiences. I like to treat the uneasiness as must steps to overcome or breaking the old reluctant habits. 

Finding balance between what we like, we dont like, inclined and disinclined require through thoughts. Realising your meaningful dreams required you to keep aside awhile your hazardous desires or temptations. Starting up an efforts are most daunting experience but for sure it ended you up with fruitful results.  I had experience to work on enormous assigment, and did start very earlier and make it to smaller chunks.  The force was not much intense compare when we are in the corner of its due. Even greater forces are pushing when in pursuit the final minutes, but the feeling was totally different. Pressure tend to make us become stressful and finally jump into short cuts of doing things. The final product is dull and improper doesnt meet the real expection. Yup well say as long as it finish and this defeat the whole purpose.

Everytime the uneasiness arouses, which derived from new learning and urge me to move further, I convince myself to act freely. Just throw and pour the ideas and thrust the stumbling block. Because you are now not in comfort zone, and there always time to step behind and trim they raw effort and added its spice. All this while , I numb to act, many thoughts just criss crossing the mind saying you go no where by the mundane words.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017


A destination is definitely derive from a way to it. The wrong way will not lead to the real destination. The road is often deviated and  misleading . Wrong  road direction also brings different destination. Which path is to be chosen ? God pointed me in a straight path to destination that pleased You..