2. As being yourself , anyting that build, influence and having closet connection with you is must to be fathom and considerablely well versed about. Getting deep into your origin and acquinted with all its intracacies how history made you into complete puzzle would fashioned you become someone inner and outer awareness. If we need to critised the economy of malay, diligently we must know about how our colonial master plan in organise the different races and in segregate ecomic responsibilities. To know how the mechanism of politics, how our premier in defined ‘controlled democracy’ . And to go in detail understand the belief work, wisely analyse how clashes of Islamism and Hinduism in 14th century and merchant from Arab and India interact and significant impact malay sultanate ruler relegate the belief and understand to all pupil under their rule.
3. Deciding the utmost important what need extensive knowlege and finding its core understand was bothering me lately. I choose the themes of Malay and Islam as the start to cut the socio politic and better understand myself and how it has work from the early start.