Thursday, November 16, 2017

7 habits revisited

Management or Leadership ? Which comes first ?  Leadership is to ensure the ladder lean agaist the right wall. The ladder is the  management itself, system and effort ensure the person climb to the top. I reading Covey 7 habits and found many of his principles are fundamental. I need to understand and continually fathom and how it is practice in our daily encounter. Other tools and concept which worth ponder  :

- inside - out approach
- maturrity continum - dependent , independent and interdependent
- P/PC Balance ( productivity and productivity capability)
- character and personality ethics
- Primary and secondary traits
- things are created twice
- rescript yourself
- paradigm and maps
- circle of influence and circle of concerns

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

why things go wrong

Prof. Sidney Dekker has some gems to share about 'why things go wrong' ...

# things sometimes go wrong because they usually go right..

# people are not the problem we need to control, but people are the solution that
   we should harness...

# if you want to stop and prevent failure, stop looking for it, start looking for what make your organisation successful.