Thursday, April 8, 2010


Apr 8 2010,Town White Coffee, Seremban. My usual and casual menu, White Coffee and Egg Toast. Watch over group of chinesse frens,having conversations and get together over cup of coffee . Gals with tiny shorts and boyfrens ,lovingly holding hands. I at one corner enjoy myself with my MP3, my best selected songs.It really create the mood. I think hard over the life again. Recollect my strenght to move on,finding things in life that I can dedicated to, thus to live meaningfully. Deciding the priorities in life, among few salients I neglected for so long. I choose to be in career which adverse to my innerself . I look how people make life so simple : like know where to go, what to find, what to do and happy with it. Vice versa I still doubt about the road I choose, not sure where to stop, when to move and more severely , where to go.

Mybe this my bless destiny.I struggle to understand things while others just fathom by little glance.This dwarfness haunting now and then .So I decided that this fine evening coffee,I just throw aside all those things and thinkings. I just want to be calm and happy. Don't care and bother about anything , what I know is to enjoy my thick white coffee , my yummy eggy toast and my loyal MP3 ,over the scenary of cute chicks around. Yes this what I want. Only this.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


My steps to achieve anything in life :

1. Set your goal.
2. Duration or Interval time to achieve.
3. Decide your intermediate/implied task ( things want need to be done)
4. Analyze critical factors. Always keep in mind.
4. Monitor your progress time to time.
6. Remind and re-remind goal.

Good Luck with the recipe !